Types of Steemians we have around!

What kind of steemer are you?! Everyone might remember the time in high school where you had different groups of people. You had the jocks (sport guys), the popular girls, the nerds, the outsiders and more. Everyone found their place in high school where the fit in and talk with those people around them. On Steemit we kind of have the same, although there is a mix as well. I’ve noticed several types of bloggers, call it archetypes. Every blogger has it’s own vision and what he or she wants to achieve here.

So let’s start with the type of amazing bloggers we have out here!


The everyday poster

This is a person who posts content everyday that is relevant to his or her following group. These people have a loyal group of followers and community around their blog. They have branded (in the meaning of marketing branding) themselves so well that their posts will get votes no matter what.

Being an everyday poster can be hard, because everyday you have to come up with something new to keep your followers interested. Providing the same quality day in, day out is hard. But if you can keep this up, your followers will automatically up vote your post because they know it has value. These people might be considered the best people there are. Yet they do need to have back up from other types of bloggers because you can’t do it alone!

The Re-steemer

A silent hero among the Steemit community! This is the person that doesn’t really post it’s own blogs but re-steems other persons blogs very often. When they post something it is mostly quite valuable and a long post where they express they vision. Re-steemers can be recognised by leaving lots of quality comments that are valuable and interesting. They are way more active than any other user in commenting. They share so much that more people can read the content others create. When they rested, they usually upvote the content as well.

The Recycler

The content recycler is a great addition to this list. They read old posts and when they see value in them they will boost that content as well in the form of a newly written blogpost, video or picture. On Steemit there is a lot of valuable content that can’t be found anymore (at least not that good). So when the Recycler swoops in, the content becomes relevant again.

Although there might be said something about this kind of blogger it has some good and bad things around it. The upside is, is that the content becomes relevant again and more people gain knowledge. Otherwise they use content from others that is already posted. They might not be their own creation. If the post is something the Recycler wrote before, then it’s only good to do! But having stuff from others might not be a good thing. Therefore it might be a good tip to recycle your own content after a while (After a few months when you have new insights as well!).

The go-getter

This person has to have it all! They want to get the candy from everything they can find in every subject they can find. They don’t have strict guidelines for themselves and just do what feels right at the moment. They are liked by like minded people that also like a lot of different things and don’t wanna follow just a few specific subjects. The problem with this group is that they don’t have a very strong follower group since they are all over the place, thus the up votes are pretty scares.

The New Guy

The title says it all, this is the new guy and still have to find his muse. What does he like? What will I do? What is my vision? These persons are trying everything to see what they like and wanna become. Their upvotes aren’t worth that much, and they don’t have a big follower group. But that’s no need to worry about because when they do find what they like, they will go sky high!

The Allrounder

The all rounder is a person that doesn’t belong to a type listed here above. They do a little of everything and it works for them. They focus on every aspect because they think it’s in their best interest. These kind of persons are mostly in their own category as well and stick with it. They might be well known in their respected categories.

Do you recognise yourself in one of these types? Comment below what you are and why! I would love to know why you chose that path!

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