Is Steemit One Big Circle Jerk ?( Observations from a Newbie Minnow)



Okay, sorry for using the derogatory phrase. But I have heard Steemians on a number of occasions using this reference to characterize Steemit since being here. ( i.e. "circle jerking" in that it's a platform with little value other than it's members who "redundantly" go back and forth Rewarding each other for Content that has no real World value or use) I'll address this in my Post today from my relatively newbie perspective.

Arguments that This is True....

  • I have seen a few "unorganized" groups of people who exclusively Upvote each other. matter what. And the material was not necessarily ground breaking or even mediocre. Just barely par if that.

  • I have observed a number of people with deep pockets and a lot of SP (a.k.a whales) auto voting other whales for big payouts. Just back and forth even when there is nothing of intrinsic value to their Content such as silly memes, one photo posts, mindless drivel, etc..etc...

  • Steemians just self voting like Grumpy Cat and getting big payouts from this

Argument that This is NOT True...

  • I Follow some really high quality Content Producers. They do get Upvotes and well deserved payouts that come in line with their output. A couple of them have actually come to my blog and giving me nice payouts as they have evidently appreciated my Content. This is impressive because unlike some Steemians who want reciprocity well these high quality steemians give me nice Upvotes even though I can only give them back 1 cent Upvotes when I go to their blog.. Yes, 1 cent.That says a lot about this platform where long time members are actually seeking out and rewarding Newbies to acknowledge their good Content and not because of the reciprocation mindset of "what can you do for me".

  • I belong to a group of high quality Curators and Authors called #thealliance . And in the short time I've been there I noticed some great things they are doing. Along with finding superb content producers here on Steemit, a few of the Members are developing artists from all walks of Life. And having very unique contests to showcase the talent we have here on Steemit...getting them the needed exposure to advance their artistic endeavors.
    Also, there are other Steemians doing other noble tthings like @gardenofeden who are here on Steemit to raise awareness and financial resources to help feed a Community of people off their self sufficient "garden".
    From their blog they say quote :

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all. "

  • I have been an Internet Marketer the last 10 years. I keep up with things like Search engine optimization and Google rankings. A few weeks ago I was doing research on a topic I was going to blog about. Well, I google to get some information on it and low and behold there is ole' Steemian David Pakman on page 1 with a Steemit article. I have also noticed many other Steemit blog posts getting favor with google and ranked nicely in the search engines.

In my book that alone is a pretty good indication that there is more than just "circle jerking" going on here at Steemit.


I am not crazy about that phrase. As I said earlier I have seen it thrown around here so I wanted to address it.

Let me say Steemit ain't perfect. Yeah, it could be argued as having it's own little pesky "warts"... maybe even some remnants of so called "circle jerking" going on here. But to me the remnants of a place that really has a diverse group of people who produce all kinds of good, useful Content ( with Value) outweighs that lewd picture that has sometimes been unduly painted here at Steemit .

Without question !!


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