[Introducing] Steem-O-Graph.com - Explore your followers, follower count and the Steemit Network Graph

For a while now I wanted to answer the question: "How many followers do I have?"

Recently the follow button became more apparent here on Steemit, undoubtly gearing up for a more personalised timeline of blogposts, which is a great thing IMHO.

I wanted to make a cool tool to with the 'follower' API:

Steem-O-Graph.com features:

  • Follower count
  • Network Graph of your followers
  • Click individual followers to see their followers
  • See mutual followers through linked nodes
  • Quickly see if a certain user is following you via the 'list' option (bottom right button), alphabetical sorting.

How it is made

  • Websockets ( @jesta / @xeroc)
  • Steemjs (@fabien)
  • D3 for the graphs
  • Some jquery and twitter bootstrap for saucing
  • using the 'follow api'

What's your follower count?
Who is following you?

Visit Steem-O-Graph.com

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