SteemLand - an adventure

This is a story of what happened with me in the last week. We might need more than one coffee for this post.

Once upon a time , there was me....

 ...bitcoin enthusiast , crazy cam girl for kicks and giggles and bitcoin of course. Always interested in cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and everything in between.

(sorry for the quality, phone sucks)

It all started a week ago , when i was introduced to Steemit. I liked everything about it, the idea, the posts, the hype, the people..everything. It became the #1 discussion topic in my XOtika.TV channel , to a point where everyone made accounts, shared links, comment, asked questions about how it works...the more we talked about it, the more i liked it. I was even asking everyone entering my channel if they know steemit and what do they think about it. Between all this happening , i was doing my own research about steemit and steem and getting more and more addicted to this social-media platform. 

So one day, after many encouragements, i decided to introduce myself over a cup of coffee.

And this happen: 

While we where chilling in my hit $2000. One of my members (aka @demotruk , the one who also introduced me to steemit ) wrote in chat , "Your post has $2000" , then another one said "$1984", and another, "noo it's 1989" all this, while i was saying "guys stop messing with me" (they have a reputation as cheeky monkeys , so messing with me wouldnt be a first) and actually calling the first one an "ass" (still apologizing for that), but they kept insisting, "go and check" "see for yourself"!! 

I honestly was afraid to check myself...i was thinking surely they were messing with me. It can be true. So i gathered my courage and refreshed the page. AND OMG THERE IT WAS!! $2000, going up and down and up and down and i was shocked! 

This is an actual screen shot of my reaction taken by one of the members present in my channel.

I was delighted, i was in awe, kept asking myself, how did this happen. It was such a rush..i still get goosebumps just writing about it. I didn't know what to do i repay those people who gave their vote and those who comment? How can i give something back to them and to this amazing project? 

Until that point , i was mostly reading content and voting here and there, adding a comment sometimes. But i wanted more, i wanted to know more, and learn more. So if until now i was only learning about the platform, from that point forward , i started to research the currency itself(thank God for my previous researches about Bitcoin).  

It didn't take me long to learn what i needed to know. 

Thanks to and @joseph i was able to start mining on my other computer. But i wasn't satisfied with the hash rate (it was an i3 old machine) so i decided to investigate further.

So i found @pfunk guide and @tuck-fheman

Carefully reading the comments i found out that the compiled binaries for v0.11.0 were already made and relieved that i don't have to compile everything from the start i said to give it a try.

Keep in mind that this is pretty much my first time trying anything like this. 

First run first pain: 

Uhm ... decided to delete and copy again witness_node_data_dir from

And Success!!! there we go mining...

Now the waiting begun....and there it was my first pow. Oh the happiness, i was giggling like a kid on the Xmas morning.

Royaltiffany royaltiffany found a pow 17 hours ago 712fb4cf

After all this, i decided that alongside with bitcoin, i want to promote steem too. And this is how i'm doing it.

To end this chapter of SteemLand adventure, i am going to say a big big  "Thank you" , thank you for making me want to discover new territories  (mining) in cryptoland and thank you everyone for the warm welcome.


Small preview for tonight cam session!!

#steemit #steem #mining #life #introducemyself #bitcoin

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