Steemit Suggestion Regarding ReSteeming

I had a suggestion for Steemit regarding a way to improve the current way we resteem posts.

Here it is. So on Twitter we can retweet something or we can retweet something with a comment. By allowing retweet with comment we can add a bit of our own commentary such as whether we agree or disagree with the statement and why, why we felt it was worth retweeting, etc.

Now on Twitter we are limited to 140 characters so there's really not too much commentary you can add on your own on top of what someone else already posted but here there's more room to do so. I like resteeming things which I would like to give more attention or in the case of commentary on Steemit something I also would like to see or a problem I also experience. Basically it just allows you to add some of your own thoughts to a resteem and I think encourages more interaction and more of that community feel.


I think some people have found sort of a workaround to this by resteeming someone else's link along with some of their own commentary but I think it could be a worthwhile feature.

Curious to hear your thoughts?

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