The date is set for my 1st public Steemit talk at Hubud. The Spiritual Centre of Bali!

Wed night last week I went to my very first Bitcoin Meetup in Hubud and had very little idea what to expect. I had a great time and met many interesting people, but certainly didn't expect to find myself now in the unexpected position of being the guest speaker at next week's meeting.

It seems the Bitcoin community here in Ubud are all chomping at the bit to get started on Steemit! And I am the only rep 70 in Bali.


I feel honoured to have been asked and I am really excited to share what I have learned with those who are already familiar with cryptocurrency.

Not having done any public speaking for a while, I will have to do a fair bit of preparation over the next few days to build my confidence and consider the best way to entice them in without overwhelming them. There should be around 30-40 people there, so wish me luck!

The gentleman who will be speaking before me is an expert in the field of cryptocurrency, some might say a genius... and will be shedding some much needed light on the current turbulent times going on for Bitcoin. I look forward to hearing what he has to say about this.


My Primary Goal

By peaking the interest of all these Bitcoin lovers, it is my intention to get them all to a follow-up day at my current home and Eco Neighbourhood Taman Petanu in our amphitheatre as originally planned a few months back. This way I can spend an entire day with everyone going into much greater detail with plenty of time to answer any questions that might come up.

And we can all have a swim at lunchtime in our infinity bio pool with the fish!

This will be a free event. Date TBC

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Day by day more and more people here in Bali ask me how they can set up their Steemit account... and then the thousand questions that come later... Which is very time consuming for me.

This is the main reason I am in the process of creating a video tutorial series/account!

No more need to ask me the questions when all the answers are there in one place :)

Here is the Youtube link:

And if you're interested to advance your skills quickly, follow @steemtutorials where we will be posting each new film the moment is it uploaded to the YouTube channel.

This morning we released our first focused tutorial video 'Effective post promotion with' on to Steemit and our quickly expanding YouTube channel.


Watch the Tutorial here

Look to the future!

Gandhi did not change the world by living in the old paradigm, rather he created his own and lived firmly within it. In his reality, all people were free and he vibrated this reality so strongly, the Universe could not help but yield to him.

So my friends, think not of the current value of steem, but what you plan to do when you are crypto billionaires!

There are very few communities I can say this about, but I do believe on the whole this community would use their money wisely.

Right! Over and out....I have a Steemit meeting to plan!

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