Indroducing Schaman Gerbert from Germany

Born 1963 in Neuburg (Germany) in the year of the rabbit, my years of schooling lead me to university and the study of Mathematics and Informatics. With 5 I started to play the Flute, followed by Saxophon, Gitar and Piano. From early on I fell for African drumming and started late, but not to late to play Malinke Drums, Djembe and Dundun.
1981 and onwards: Studies with Charlie Böck (Germany), Djembefola Famaodou Konate and Mansa Camio (both from Guinea), and Paul Engel (Germany).
1986 and onwards: Teaching on-going classes, courses and workshops, including 3 years as member/soloist of the group BALUBA.
Since 1992 I've been playing the Didgeridoo: Workshops and studies with Alan Dargin, Garry Thomas and Phil Conningham (all from Australia).

My practice of Overtone and Throat singing began in 1993 when I started to study the European techniques with Helmut Kreil (München) and continued my self-study of Mongolian techniques with Catherine Darbord (France). From 2004 on, I travelled to Tuva (Siberia) for further studies. There I started to play the Igil, a two string fiddle.
Maultrommel, Jew's Harp - I love to play the Yakutian Harps and I also love to visit Yakutia, the Harps make it very easy to connect with the nature and feel the spirits.

Celtic-skythic inspired Music Shaman, Master of Sound Healing: Music is my life. After 25 years of learning a variety of instruments and techniques I call myself a celtic-skythic inspired Musicshaman.
From 2004 on I gained independent work experience in Siberia and hold a work and study permit in Tuva and Yakutia (Siberia).
Ai-Tschurek, well known Master Shamanka of Tuva told about me: "The power of his music healing is outstanding in this world."

With the help of Tuvan and Yakutian Shamans, in 2004 was founded the first Shamancentre in Europe that is modelled on the centres of Siberian shamans. In 2007 was set up a yurt (mongolian tent) in the heart of Bavaria which transports you right into the heart of the siberian Shaman culture.

In 2009 he got a note from the president on livetime of the tuvinian shamans, Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, it says that Herbert Wagner is an excellent shaman, his art and shamanic melody will give all people of diffrent nationality luck. Kenin-Lopsan confirms in reliability that Herbert Wagner is the true shaman in the international kategory.

In all my concerts, music lessons and workshops I give whatever I know - for others to find their way or to go deeper in their own way.

I will post some of my videos with deeper descriptions, so that you may easy get into the stream of healing sounds and take a little time-out from the every day live to connect you with your inner power.
In the comment section we may discus the outcome of your experiences and give others the change to say the unspeakable.

Respect, Love and Harmony,

Herbert Wagner

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