An Absolute Price Crash is the Best Thing for Steemit as a Platform

People are nervous and scared because of the dropping price of STEEM, but I was thinking about this right now, and came to the conclusion that a price crash to as low as possible is actually the best thing that can happen to Steemit as a platform.

Think about the benefits:

  • The trending page would no longer feature ugly selfies from teamsteem and jerrybanfield, because those guys will be long gone when the price finally crashes.

  • jerrybanfield will no longer be buying witness votes, which makes the platform look ridiculous to intelligent outsiders.

  • The Steemit cheerleading posts in general will disappear, as the cheerleaders move on to a new project.

  • The annoying as fuck "Good post, upvoted and resteemed!" spam will end, as the influx of new users looking to make a quick buck finally go away from polluting the blockchain with their crap.

  • The amount of content goes down, so it becomes slightly less impossible to find interesting content with the current GUI.

  • Oh, yeah. Jeff Berwick will also leave. Again.

  • If and when Steemit marketing does happen, the marketing needs to focus on something other than the money, which was never a sustainable base for marketing anyway.

  • Content will improve when new users will join because they will join to create content, not to take part in a get rich quick scheme.

So, as you can see, the enjoyability of the platform is inversely proportional to the price of STEEM, so if you want the platform to be more fun to use, pray for the price to crash!

Disclaimer: this was comedy, but there's an ounce of truth between the lines. It's up to you to figure out how much, and what the message is.

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