Service Announcement from Thirsty Records

We were thinking about our Label and the direction we were taking and decided instead to stay entirely on the Blockchain.
Our Proposed platform will remain the same platform; a curation and hosting service for musicians and fans networking on blockchain based social media.

We previously stated that we'd be registering ourselves as an Australian business. We've quickly realized that it would be a lot more lucrative for everyone if we remain entirely based on the Blockchain instead. This creates a lot more opportunities for ourselves and everyone enjoying our service.

We have many plans and goals that we at Thirsty Records have set out to achieve. One of those plans is to create a streaming service and GUI via a Sidechain with the help of Steem as our mainchain. We'll be looking forward to hopefully grabbing the attention of Daniel Larimer ( @dan ), Ned Scott ( @ned ) in the near future when we've finished more of the design. We'd love to get their approval for what could be the World's first Decentralized Music "Hub", of sorts.

We wish to remain fully Decentralized and accountable for our services. We want Musicians to be able to use our services to network their own music. We want the fans to be able to really support their favorite artists.

This is our dream.

At this point in time we are currently networking with peers to ensure that when we get off of the ground running we have strong community support. Without community involvement this won't work so we're spreading the message. We're currently creating the foundation for what may be the most vast advancement in music hosting technology of the last century.

*Disclaimer: This post is an official announcement from Thirsty Records

A note from the Author:


Hi everyone,

I'd also like to take this opportunity to reciprocate the message being shared by other professionals on here, that this blog is that of my own word. Unless officially stated within its text, it does not represent the collective word of Steem, Steemit, or Thirsty Records. It does not portray a collective image of Steemit or Thirsty records. It is solely the words of my own, free to speak unless otherwise slated.

For the record, my blog:
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Thomas Te Aroha Kohi
Creator & Artist, Thirsty Records

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