Selfish Minnows: A Negative Trend Following HF19

I've noticed an upsetting trend emerge in the last 24 hours. Many minnows are withholding votes from others while giving themselves more votes than ever.

There have been a couple of my own posts where someone will give me a positive comment, upvote their own comment but neglect to upvote my post. I've seen this happen on other blogs as well in the last day.

Look guys, I get it...

We're excited that our penny votes are now worth dollars. It's nice to be able to give yourself free money. But spread the love a little. We want Steemit to be a community.

I know that each vote consumes more than it did before, so maybe you're concerned about depleting your power. If that's the case, why note scale your vote down? It's better than not voting at all. In fact, it feels like quite an insult when you vote on your own comment but ignore the post that you're trying to compliment.

Let's continue building this community by building up each other. Don't be greedy. Don't be selfish. 

On another note, has Steemit Chat been on the fritz for anyone else in the last day or so? I've been getting "502 bad gateway" error messages from time to time. And more often than not, when it does load it doesn't completely load. Anyone? Just me?


This post is set to Power Up 100% because I believe in Steemit :)

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