Preparing for our next big release with a few changes!

As you all know we are rolling out within the next few days a huge upgrade to our platform which will include a lot of really awesome surprises you all will hopefully love! To prepare for this upgrade we do have to announce some changes that will go into effect in the next week.

Limits on Shadow Rank

If your account does not have more than the Fractional Voting Level (currently 1250 SP) you will be unable to grow your Shadow Rank beyond 25. Those who already are above 25 Shadow Rank but under the FVL will either have to power up or we will begin reducing your Shadow Rank by 1 each day until it reaches 25, or you power up over the FVL.

There has been a huge number of new users created that refuse to increase their SP over weeks/months time and our pool contributes to them far more as they earn higher and higher Shadow Ranks. Remember the idea of this is not to punish good members we have a few other updates that will greatly benefit you if you are in fact a good steemian.

More focus on Steem Power (SP)

Users who increase their organic SP by powering up not renting or powering down will see their Shadow Ranks boosted far more than those with little SP or those who rent it. Renting SP will still be better than having low SP but it will not be ranked the same going forward as organically vested SP.

Shadow Rank penalties

We have designed Shadow Rank with the idea that it is a reward ranking metric we use inside ShadowBot to help decide how good a caster is. Up till this point we have not reduced any members Shadow Rank. The original design does call for us to increase the Shadow Rank of good steemians but also to reduce the rank of those who attempt to abuse ShadowBot and/or Steem. Starting this week if you are abusing either system, being flagged constantly, or otherwise reported to us and we decide at our discretion you are causing unfair allocations your Shadow Rank can and will be reduced until it becomes fair for all.


Remember if you are a good active steemian this should HELP you because we are focusing going forward on rewarding good as we always have, but now we are beginning to (somewhat) punish the abusers instead of letting them for the most part squeak by.

Thanks again to everyone part of this great system! We are super excited for the next release next week March 1st 2018!

Get ready for #ElysianFields release! The official release name for our next release ;)

For more information on ShadowBot:



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