Love What You Do || The Steemit Job


I was dropping off my son at school today, and on the drive over I was listening to Dave Ramsey -- you know, the "debt is dumb" guy?

Well, he had a guest on and they were talking about how 51% of working Americans are not satisfied with their jobs.

More than half of the working population do not like what they spend most of the day doing. We have people who are away from their families, away from the things they enjoy doing, churning away as cogs in a machine that they don't care about and which doesn't care about them.

That's disgusting. And really... pretty sad.

What is important?


One question that was asked in the show was whether or not finding a "Dream Job" was important.

While most people would naturally assume "Yes", they gave some interesting reasons as to why this is probably not the best mindset for success.

An analogy was used about relationships. That is, there are lots of people out there who are looking for "the One" to help fulfill them as people. This, however, is a vacuous thing, because there is no other person in the world that can fill the emotional voids that you have. You have to work on yourself before you can expect someone else to magically "complete" you.

Does that make sense?

In the same way, finding a "Dream Job" can be a well-intentioned Road to Hell. Do you really want a job doing what you love? or is something else more important?

Accomplishment and Satisfaction


It seems painfully obvious, but these two qualities are the most important when it comes to how people feel about the work they do.

In many respects, I get that: it doesn't really matter what I'm doing, so long as I know that I've accomplished something. When I can see growth, improvement, direction, then I feel satisfied, and I like what I'm doing. Like pressure washing the side of a building -- you see the progress your're making, and that is satisfying.

This is more important than doing what I love to do for a living.

How Steemit plays into this


I've been working hard on Steemit for about 3 weeks.

I can honestly say that it's in the top most satisfying things I've ever done.

The reasons for that are clear to see. I have an account that is increasing in value every day. I watch my followers increase by a hundred people every week. My account is being tagged in posts more frequently. My level of influence is increasing.

It's accomplishment. It's satisfying.

And when I see this kind of growth, it just makes me want to work harder.

Every day I experiment with content. I make videos, comics, articles; I do music reviews and breaking news; I post tips for new people based on what I've done that works for me.

I am eager to fail!

And that's how you know you are doing good work :)

Follow me @shayne

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