New To Steemit? Follow Begging Will DESTROY You: DO - NOT - DO - IT! Here's Why...




If you are new to Steemit and you are going into the comment section of other people's blogs posting things like this:

Nice Post! I followed you, you should follow me back!

Stop it now!

You are on borrowed time -- literally!

As a new member of our community, you have probably wondered about what I'm going to show you:

Screenshot (135).png
(Screenshot of @clevercreator wallet because her article brought this to my attention)

That number is a "loan" from Steemit that allows you to have a larger influence than you would normally have for your first 30 days.

If, by the end of those 30 days, you are unable to get your Steem Power above 50, you will be unable to use your account until that balance goes above 50. Which, at that point, can be done either by another account transferring the SP or by purchasing Steem Power directly.

What does this have to do with follow begging?

This is my comments section when I get a bunch of follow beggars.

It's all about your reputation.

When you follow beg, you risk being flagged as a spammer, because when you copy & paste follow begging replies in the comments sections of dozens of blogs, that's what you are -- a spammer.

Stop doing this. Now.

Follow begging will get you flagged for SPAM

You cannot afford to have this happen.

When you are flagged, your reputation decreases, which means your payouts go bye-bye.

Is that what you want?

I thought you were trying to increase your SP, not make it impossible to get.

So why would you do ANYTHING that would risk you being seen as someone that the Steemit community doesn't want?

Steemit is an anarchic system

Not anarchy in the destructive sense, but in the Amish sense, meaning: SHUNNING

Flagging is a way for the community to decide who they think is a contributing member and what they think is edifying content, and for the users and content that are considered abusive to Steemit by the flagging system, well... those things slowly disappear.

And you don't want to disappear from Steemit, right?

No, you want to be a member who is embraced by the community, so you can play a part in this wonderful experiment.

Begging for followers is a fatal flaw

If you're doing it, stop doing it right now.

Instead, listen to what I say here:

If you follow the EXTREMELY SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE TIPS I lay out here, you will easily have hundreds of followers and more than enough SP in your first 30 days, all without begging for a single upvote or follow.


Tell me what you think

So, how about this whole Steemit "loan" thing?

Are you follow begging? Now that you know how dangerous it is, do you PROMISE to stop???

Follow me @shayne

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