Steemit Milestone: 900 FOLLOWERS!!!

It's @shayne with another milestone!



This is amazing!

I think that of all the metrics I keep track of on Steemit, my followers -- you guys -- are the most precious one to me.

It's not just about numbers, either: I know that with each follower, I'm also gaining a new friend. Another brain to work out my problems and theories with. Another ear to hear my concerns. Another eye to see my work.

This is an amazing thing -- truly.

I can't thank you all enough!

I am finding more and more, as these numbers grow and as more users come to Steemit, that my sense of responsibility to the community is growing along with it.

I want to do what's best for you guys -- at least as much as I am able to -- whilst still being able to benefit myself and put food on the table for me and my family.

You are all really making a dream come true for me, which is something that we can go our whole lives without receiving.

What would you like to see?

Do you have an suggestions for me?

What of my content do you like the most? What would you like to see more of, or what new content would you like me to start providing?

Let me know in the comments below, because your opinion is important to me.

Here's the celebratory Leo

Let's all dance together now, because the next stop is 1,000!!!


Follow me @shayne

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