What Are You Saying About @shayne? SteemData Mentions Check!


Hello my beautiful followers!

@shayne passed 1000 followers today -- woohoo!!

Wouldn't be possible without you guys, so thanks!


Because I'm an egomaniac

I checked the SteemData Mentions App by @furion to see what you guys are saying about me lately :D

Here's some cool links:


@steevc and I got to our 1000th follower at around the same time, and celebrate this great milestone together! He also goes over stats that show some bullish signs for Steemit.


In this post, @kryptik uses my joke post about committing seppuku if I didn't reach 1000 followers in 24 hours to say that he will kill him self if he does reach 500 followers by the end of the day.

He's only 6 followers away, btw.


This is actually a permitted Spanish translation of an article of mine: Steemit Tips: How To Get Popular - Comment And Respond!

Thanks for the hard work, @thatmemeguy!


Congratulations to the winner, @meanmommy33!

I don't remember entering this contest but I'm sure I did, lol.


This is a great HowTo guide for new users, so make sure to check it out if you're wondering how to start with Steemit! An article of mine on how to make an introduction post is featured, for which I am quite appreciative.

Thanks, @whatsupz!

That's it for now

There are more posts, but I've got to go, guys -- sheesh!

Make sure to check out the SteemData Mentions App by @furion to see who is talking about you.

Follow me @shayne

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