I want to be worshiped like an angry black man with a huge penis, because in 2017 things are different.

Back around 2007 blogs were more popular and email was widely used as a tool for communicating information.

Way back then my old blog used to have actual people looking at the posts, and when I pressed send and receive in Outlook, about 10% of what came into my inbox was real email.

Now in 2017 things are quite different and I am a dinosaur. I have no expectation that any real people are reading anything I post on my blog, and in fact I'm often just using the blog as a combination of a notepad, and a way to test what sort of search tags bring in traffic, because about 50% of the traffic my blog is from porn searches.

Whether putting thousands of porn search tags on some posts has the desired effect of making the rest of the site come up higher in Google searches in the long term, or even if it's really worthwhile to boost the traffic at all, I don't know, but it's something I've long been fascinated by.

My page about America with 113000 porn tag words was a successful experiment. It has become very popular.

I do think email is still a useful tool, and I use it productively every day. (Outlook 2003, from Office 2003 - one of the last good programs Microsoft ever released)

Fakebook on the other hand is time wasting spyware, and I mostly stopped looking at it a couple of years ago. I had no pride in any time I spent on Fakebook - like an addict, I often wished I could quit my 15 min a day FB hit, and it's safe to say that since I have fully quit, I have never made any plans to replace my email with Fakebook messaging.

I want to be worshiped like an angry black man with a huge penis

Is my writing worth anything? I am always a bit uncertain as to whether any of my writing is entertaining or enlightening or is all just utter shit. But I still like attempting to change aspects of the world that are bollocks, by helping to expose these things, and maybe helping to shift the tides of perception.

We are all pretty small cogs in a huge machine, but we can still make an annoying high pitched noise that makes the machine sound buggered. And I also like writing about stuff like manboobs and freaks with misshapen arses.

I want to make sense of things and take notes, because I have a memory like a sieve and whatever I work out today, I’ll probably forget tomorrow. Especially stuff about computers, because geek stuff is so confusing. And meaning of life stuff is confusing too.

Conspiracy stuff is easier because essentially everything we are told is bollocks, but the tricky bit is that this also includes many of the conspiracies.

A pleasing spin off would be if heaps of people read what I wrote and worshiped me like an angry black man with a huge penis. Or something just as popular. So in summary I am a boring forgetful twat with delusions of grandeur who wants to be worshiped. Sort of like most politicians and bloggers…

Sometimes on my Steemit posts this worship almost happens! - although I must admit I usually only get about 20 votes and make about $2 a post - but I'm working on that.

Because of Steemit, I'm getting back into writing things

Once upon a time, I used to write stuff more often, and some of it was sort of OK. But in recent years I have been less productive, tending towards excuses, and possessing a lack of ambition to transmit messages.

If we are trying to be conduits, then this modern Steemit set up is ideal for letting messages pass through us, and onto the web where they can be ignored more widely than they ever were ages ago, even back when there was no Fakebook, back when entire paragraphs used to stay in the same location on sheets of paper for years at a time.

Bloggers now lament the decline of their public forums, as they realise they have been replaced by the fleeting flow of trivia that passes for a book of face. But here on Steemit blogging can be reborn.

In 2017, the streets are full of grey cars, everyone dresses in black clothes, and the popular music really is the most boring tuneless sludge ever produced in the past century. But at the same time we all have creative opportunities that are way beyond what any time in history has ever experienced.

The creative bastards from past times probably could have imagined this world and what to do with it in ways that clearly most modern people can’t quite get their heads round. Including me, but I’m having another crack at it and seeing what happens.

Steemit is really quite an opportunity!

This entire post is also on my old school Wordpress blog - - but don't panic, I did write it!



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