1 YEAR on Steemit! Celebration With Photos

Hello Steemian and oh my! how time flies I cant honestly believe its been one whole full year since I have started steeming here and today marks that day.


Image by @simonjay

So far my first year on Steemit.com as been mostly good but like most things its been a roller coaster with its ups and downs especially with hardforks and some of the changes, there seems to be less of that drama these days and less discussions but I feel Steemit.com and its steem value is in a great place right now.
So well done to all the guys working behind the scenes.

I remember my first month on Steemit boy wow was I confused!
I was mostly new to all this I spent most of my first month learning about Steemit more then doing any writing for the site but now these days its the reverse I spend most of my time writing.
I like getting up extra early before work so I can start planing and working on my posts.

I am especially doing this more now as I am busy trying to get the money together to attend this years steemfest in Lisbon and that would definitely make a great first year on Steemit birthday present lol.
Byt anyway for now more on Steem Fest 2 Lisbon further below.


If I am not writing posts I like to spend my time on Steemit giving back or in other words curating looking at everybodies posts and upvoting, I have given enough to the community back that I am on my way to getting the wizard's badge for curating hope with more power in future I can give even more back.

I remember when I first started Steemit the price was over $4.00 !! That may be hard to imagine for some today but it was nuts some of the money people were making, and myself I managed a $50 post which for me completely sold me to how amazing Steemit is and how it can help many other people.

Sadly I never pushed past that $50 bucks with any of my other posts but hope maybe one day in future with a little more power who knows.
I remember all the chaos and drama with some of the hardforks and people going into panic mode I remember the value of steem being 0.09 wow! Many people left sad times but regardless Steemit had too much of a great community to just get up and leave so I stayed and will stay.

I remember user asshole flagging everybody front, left, right and centre then thankfully having other users being heroes voting on our posts so asshole had no effect on them, thanks guys.

There are just too many crazy moments to mention all here but for now I hope you will enjoy my celebration with me and after if you are interested I will share some numbers below.

Steemit YEAR 1 Celebration


























And that is it for the pictures guys while I enjoyed my cake and celebrating with you guys unfortunately I dont have much time to celebrate today as work as decided to make this day mostly about them by giving me a much longer shift then usual infact its been a very long time since I had such a shift but arrrgh typical on my Steemit birthday lol how dare they...

Anyway hope you enjoyed the pictures we will now dive into some numbers with something similar now to my monthly reports.

I do a monthly report to keep track on any monthly progress, I find this will be a good way to measure up how far I have come since I started here on the Steemit platform.
BUT!! Not only that I have also been told that this report as been useful to show newbies the real details and what should be their expectations with Steemit.com
These posts normally encourage others and demonstrates whats possible with time and patience.


I am not a whale nor is this a rags to millions type of report its more about sharing real data I am no expert nor claim to be one.

How did it start

Before showing you my monthly reports I want you to know what I started with.
The reason for this is because it may be slightly different for you depending on the Steem value when you joined the platform.
So like the many other users who also started Steemit.com around the same time as me...say hi if your here btw... anyway we was offered 10 Steem power to join and a starting reputation of 25.

Month 1 📅


Month 2 📅





Month 9 📅


Month 10 📅


Month 11-12 📅


Result Images By @simonjay

And there you have it guys one full year of Steemit data to look and compare with, please remember that the value of steem will have a big impact on your results.

Other STATS 📊

Apparently when I last checked there was around 355,000 Steemit users and when I last checked my steem power I was ranking around number #2641 I have been going down for a while now but recovered abit this month but its still a great position I feel.

Most Steemit Gains Score? 👊

I had a post that made me just over $50, then I saw it! The Steemit.com potential!

My most successful power post was actually back in month 7 when I had one post make me 271 power!

My highest post so far on votes? 👨

The most amount of votes I managed on a single post so far was 213, that post made me only 8.60

Did you ever buy power?

In month 3 yes I brought some power but you may be surprised how little I spent I started by just spending 2 dollars here and there when I could afford it, as I am very poor and I brought it at times I noticed the steem price was so low, and seriously thats about it.


As for my followers it seems that many of the bots have gone perhaps some have returned I am not sure but I do know over 600 of you are apparently still active so dont forget to stop by and give me a upvote as it all helps.

To my active but supportive followers I want to thank you for all for your support so far, as of course remember the more power you offer me with your vote the more I can give back to the community when I vote you back.

Other notes? 📘


Its come to my attention a good while ago now that theres a huge problem going on when it comes to votes.
For some reason less and less of you are voting and yes normally the argument is there is no point voting as you gain nothing from it.
Thats wrong guys especially now after the hardfork 19 update.
Sure you wont get much to begin with but trust me voting will help you gain more power!

Slowly your votes will gain you more and more, you will then get more weight but you have to vote atleast 20 to 30 times aday depending on how you adjust your slider.
Please dont think your votes arent worth anything or dont count they really really do.

So not only does it benefit the people who spend time producing the content but it really does benefit YOU with curation rewards.

Another thing I will add is please vote more on those who are actually active and have under 4000 steem power the more people we have over 4000 power the more people will earn in the future.

Guys there are now 730+ of you following me... wow.. I would like to thank you all for joining me in this incredible adventure I am excited to see what another year being on Steemit.com will bring, so far I can only see things getting better.

I would especially like to thank recently the support from @ebryans @maarnio @manorvillemike @kennyroy @titusfrost @roelandp @american-pie there maybe more of you so please dont be offended if I didn't mention you just remind me in the comments lol, also I have a few more names mentioned below to those who have donated for example @paradise-found as really been trying to help me make it to Steemfest this year.

In the following Steemit year starting tomorrow I am in hope of getting the rest of the needed funds for my trip to Steemfest I need you guys to upvote and help me with that as I hope to bring you my journey going Steemfest this year.

I am also in hopes that this following year I can make it to being a dolphin I am over halfway so again any votes towards that will be much appreciated.

I will say goodbye for now but please join me for my daily steem price post later today and keep an eye out for my going Steemfest progress posts and if you are going to Steemfest then maybe I will see you there.



So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta- @surpassinggoogle - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay]

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