Month 20 Steemit Monthly Report 15/5/2018

Ok now that is much better sure not exactly on time getting this report out again but much much earlier then last time but I blamed attending the London Cryptocurrency show on that month.
And yup I know... its not a very good excuse but honestly I have been trying to catch up with all you guys and your many comments.
But anyway so here we are its already month 20, how are you getting on with your goals?
I mean look we are at nearly reaching half the year now!
I dont think I done much better then last month but I am in hope with the price being a little higher lately we can beat last months score by just a little.. so lets look at what the report says.


Images By: @simonjay

Wow its now already been 8 months since my very first birthday, now past the %60 mark to year 2!

Images By: @simonjay

In November I had one amazing experience at Steemfest 2 ( thanks to @roelandp for putting this together) December I went to a Steemit supper club hosted by @allasyummyfood another one maybe coming in June.
February I had the opportunity to attend a Steemit meeting in London hosted by @redrica, @ultravioletmag and @teodora it was definitely one of the best meetings so far, the music was loud at times but this didn't stop us getting to know each other (but many of us did lose our voice's the following day lol)
Lastly in April I was at the London Cryptocurrency show which had around 50 Steemians attend and some great speakers representing Steem in the UK.

Of course this month 20 now marks that we are almost half way into 2018 and we have to check on how we are progressing with our goals.

But its been madness from day one in 2018 for Steem and SBD it had been erupting and going record breaking crazy, this was a huge shock to many experts and newbies alike it was indeed one amazing start to the year for and most of its users.
Now the price as settled abit in between its highs at around the $3 mark.

Moving Forward With New Hope And Opportunity!


Images By: @simonjay

Images By: @simonjay

Meet Team London UK

The London Cryptocurrency Show

London Cryptocurrency Show Gif By: @simonjay

At The London Cryptocurrency Show

And here we are now in May 2018 I still have so much to write about from things that took place at the steemfest 2 event and I thought I was the only one but heard some other Steemians say they also feel the same way, so look out for those possibly coming this month and year, that is if I hopefully get the time needed as I got a back log of stuff I want to write about to first clear my emails.

Not only that but some of you maybe thinking what's going on with me lately why have I stopped writing as much?

This is not because I got tired of Steemit or got lazy but I have had extra hours at work and I there as been alot more comments from you guys, which keep me busy, I hope to write more again on Steemit in future.

Anyway I was not sure if I was going to continue even doing these monthly reports but I feel that I should as I like to have some idea on how much I have achieved each month, I know now that for sure things are always progressing if I stay active but still want to stay in check, plus I have heard from you guys that the data can help out some newbies get an idea on what to expect with the Steemit platform.

But before going into month 20's results "this" especially for the newbies can be helpful, let me show you a very quick recap of my first year.

Month 1 📅

Month 11-12 📅

And there you have it 12 months of Steeming earned me....

2.784 Power
And a reputation of 64.1
Yes I realise these aren't the most amazing results you were probably expecting but for someone with no previous fan base or aided by any of whale's or part of any inner circle's I guess they aren't bad results.
They definitely aren't the best results, but they also aren't anywhere near the worst on here.

Ok so now you have seen the results of a whole full year on and what you can realistically expect from someone in my situation, we now move on and focus to this month's results.

📅 For month 20 - 15/05/2018 the results are..

Haha so I thought last month was a tiny gain by getting an extra 5 SP but this is funnily worse this time I gained 1 extra SP from the previous month, but well its progress, atleast I didn't get less.
Perhaps if the price stays around this mark or goes higher we can beat it again and if I had the time to write more I am sure it would help.
Followers this month still slower but I still gained an extra "4 " this month but its not something I am really working on or concerned with I dont want randoms joining me who are just after easy follow-backs.

2 months ago the thing that surprised me the most as it never happened before was my reputation had not moved at all, but this month again we managed to get up one, yay lol!

Other STATS 📊

Apparently when I last checked there are now around 999,741 users yes that is correct we are so crazy close to hitting 1 million users! Well with no doubt this will be achieved my next month duh! Possibly even today.
Also when I last checked my rankings on my "steem power" sometime ago I was around number #2106 but last time I checked the sites they were having some issues and got a result of #933.390 lol, I will check this when corrected at another time.

Most Steemit gains score? 👊

I had a post that made me just over $50 the first month I signed on, and that's when I saw it! The potential!
But would you believe I never beat that reward record for a whole year! Yes that's right meaning it was only on month 13 that I finally beat my score from all the way back in month 1, how insane is that!?
While its sounds insane you must remember that the price of Steem on month 1 for me was over $4.00 !! Which as now been beaten for this year's 2018 January at over $7.00! Anyway my new high score to beat is $94.00 which was from month 13.

Steem Power 👊

My most successful Steem Power post was actually back in month 7 when I had one post make me 271 power!

My highest post so far on votes? 👨

The most amount of votes I managed on a single post so far was 213, but that post only made me $8.60

Followers 👨👨👨👨

As for my followers ?? Well its getting difficult to know whats going on since I cant seem to get any information from "dead followers" I think there was a Steemit update that messed up the connection code but around 1152 of you are apparently still active so if you are there please dont forget to give me an upvote and let me know you are still alive on the comments below, you guys are all missing out on upvotes from myself as you never know I might just check out your blog and upvote you back.

If anybody knows of something similar to dead followers that actually works please let me know.

I have now completed the "4" 250 followers badge requirements and I am now aiming to gain the 2500 followers badge which requires to gain 500 new followers, this will be the hardest followers challenge so far.

Anyway to my active but supportive followers I want to thank you all for your support so far, as of course remember the more power you offer me, the more I can give back to the community when I vote you back, check out the wizards badge for my curation below and I have also not powered down.

I want to thank you guys for helping me get to SteemFest2 last year, I still owe abit of money back for the trip and I also want to make sure this year I finally replace this cursed computer as it causes me soo much stress with its blue screen of death.

Computer Progress Update 15/05/2018

So last time I told you I had $440, the PC originally cost $300 to buy but unfortunately they sold out before I could obtain the required SBD.
They are no longer selling that model and I had to now fork out $527 instead.
I should of been able to buy the computer at the beginning of last month but unfortunately I had a thief steal $100 SBDs from me which would of been enough to buy it.
But during this recovery time I found a cheaper deal and at the moment I am happy to say I have $550 which is enough to buy the computer, its now just going to take a little longer while I find another deal and actually get the time to purchase it.

Any Other notes?

Yes Lastly

Please dont think your votes aren't worth anything or don't count because they really really do.

Another thing I will add is please vote more on those who are actually active on and have under 4000 steem power and also to those "who are not powering" down.
Basically the more people we have over 4000 power the more people will earn in the future as there are too many in power who just vote for their inner circle or who are not active.

The downfall is the powerful circle jerking when it comes to votes and not enough whales are voting on the minnows and dolphins, creating a very predictable rewards distribution.
This will be fixed probably with oracles but it could also make earning much more competitive and difficult for those who do not have a huge active followings to bring on to Steemit, this could indeed be worrying meaning you will probably earn less then you do now but its something we will have to wait and see.
Btw I am also not having a dig at the whales I am saying we need more people who are actually active and curating and have some decent power behind them, help me make this happen.

Images By @simonjay


-Steem Price-

-Freeze Cyclone Effects-

-The London Crypto Currency Show-


-So This Happened At The Gym...-


author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay

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