How to get 40% to 50% ROI on Steemit - Fast Track for beginners

Hi there. If you are a beginner on Steemit & you came here because you were looking to make money (or looking for a high return on your investment - like me), then listen up. This is a crash course and I am going to show you how to do it and show you some evidence that it is possible . It may not be sustainable but for now, this is what it is.

At the time of writing , I have been on Steemit for about 2 weeks. I have already done 2 trials regarding this ROI thingi. And then, I have monitored so many trending posts & I finally concluded that the fastest way to make 40% to 50% return on your investment is to use the bid-bots. There is a lot of discussions on whether bid-bots are ethical or not, sustainable or not, etc, etc, etc. But the same people who criticize & judge others for using the bid-bots are using them for their own benefits.

Some people are really against these bots & are claiming that the bots are bad for steemit. I don’t have anything to say on this matter but one thing I still couldn’t figure out is this: if it is bad, why allow someone to build/code their bots in the first place? So now that the bots are here & they are offering their services, I personally am not going to miss out and just sit by and watch other people profit from this & whine about how immoral they are. Why should I try to be moral & judgemental, while others are moving on making the best of what is available to them to increase returns on their investments. That's just my viewpoint. Everyone is entitled to their own.

So, out of the 2 trials I did with the usage of bid-bots, here’s the result for 1 of them:
I spent 65 Steem & 46 SBD on the bid-bots & after 7 days, I got 119 SBD & 45 SP.
This translated to 47% ROI over 7 days. So, if you write 1 article a day & spend 100 SBD on bid-bots, with a return of 47%, you get 47 SBD each day, & that translates to around 1400 SBD per month. And you only need 700 SBD to start with, because after 7 days, the payouts started to come in and if you don't take a break, everyday after that, you will get a payout. But not me, I can't write everyday - my brain will totally burn out.

So, in essence, for the month, you make 1400 SBD on an initial investment of 700SBD, that is a staggering 100% ROI.

Of course for the second month, you can increase your investment, you may increase the amount to 200 SBD per article on the bid-bots. Assuming the same ROI, this month, you would get 2800 SBD.

You can continue to do this & continue to increase your investment but there is a limit to the amount that you can bid, so you really have to manage this quite closely.

Use Steem Upvote Bot Tracker to find the best bot to use. Be sure to check on the ROI of the bot before you put in your bids. If you are not sure how to use this, there are plenty of videos & posts on how to maximise your returns using this tracker. Its one of the most useful tools that I found since I started steemit.

Here's the link:

At the time of writing this, below are the top 4 trending posts (please note that I will be posting this much later, so different post might be trending then):

Post No. 1: $457 from bidbots, after 4 hours upvote value is at $505.59 - already earning 10% ROI

Post 2: I didn’t see any comments from transparencybot, so I don’t have any evidence that he used bidbots. But I am new here, so I am sure there are plenty of ways to “promote” ones post which I haven’t discovered. Also, I could check his wallet activity if I really wanted to, to see if he made any big payment to anyone to promote his post. But I did not do that. Or maybe, he is really popular, I could have checked that too but I didn't.

Post 3: $716 from bidbots, after 1 day, upvote value is $785.26, ROI = 9.6% after a day

Post 4: $500 from bidbots, after 19 hours, upvote value is $549.88, ROI is about 10%

This high return is possible only if you choose the bot with a good ROI.

If you are keen, you could monitor these post after 7 days, & see the payout amount, then you can calculate the % of ROI after 7 days, this would be more definitive as the payout would have been made. My guess is that the ROI would be around 40 to 50 % or maybe even more. (If I am up to it by then, I will make a follow-up to this post to report on the ROI for the above 3 cases that used bidbots)

Also, above is the easiest way to find out the ROI, it is rather an estimate more so than actual. If you really want to do a study, you can even check the wallet activity of a steemian. (I think this should be private but right now, it is open to all, you can see other's account detail just like your own - can't do anything - just can see)

I commented on someone who was already raking it in after using the bots & here's what he replied to me:

So in summary, here’s what to do:

  1. Write a good & original post worthy of the steemit community & post it.
  2. Head on to
  3. Choose the bots with high ROI.

    This is an edit: It is not enough to choose the bot with high ROI, it is important that the Current ROI is high - see picture:

I will be posting a follow up on this & will make the link available here, once I am done.

  1. Bid & Pay with SBD or SP

  2. Watch your post & engage with people here.

  3. Calculate your ROI after payout & enjoy!

  4. Warning: your ROI may not necessarily be 40 - 50 %. Mine was. Yours could be any number. This is not an exact science/maths. Do your own research & experiments & decide for yourself. I just help you to be aware of the bidbots. Please use the bidbots wisely. Do not abuse the bots & please please do not spam. Be responsible.

Other ways to earn at Steemit: ( It seems you can earn about 25% APR)

  1. Delegate your SP
  2. Sell your votes

You can do this at:

  1. Minnowbooster

  2. Smartsteem

Good luck.

And if you are asking if I am using bidbots for this post, you bet I AM!!!! I must be stupid not to!

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