SteemIt Time Management - How To Find The Right Balance?

When I look at the clock, I notice that another day has gone by, and I didn't even have had the time to write a post yet...


Time Management... Not My Cup Of Tea

I might have several talents, but I'm pretty sure time management isn't one of them.

Here I find myself again: the day has gone by and I didn't even got time to write a post yet. Not to mention my little veggies that are waiting to be transplanted - they too will have to wait another day.

For some reason, I always manage to lose track of time. Today that was on Steemit, tomorrow it could be something completely different (although the odds are that it'll be SteemIt again).

I start something early in the morning, and when I look up it is time for my girlfriend to come home and have dinner. And every day again I feel like I haven't been able to do what I had planned. I must admit it's often really frustrating, although I know it's my own responsibility.



I had so many plans for today. Those plans involved writing on SteemIt, taking care of my baby veggies in their brand new propagator, maybe do a little work around the house for once...

The thing is that I always miscalculate how much time things are going to take.

This morning, for example, I started writing a post about an idea I had to reduce spam comments and educate newcomers. While I was at it, I thought it would be a good idea to submit it to the website. But because they have pretty specific rules about submissions, I ended up rewriting the entire article before I posted it - only to notice that I was still logged in with my old account, which meant that the post would also appear on the old account instead of this one. Stupid of me.

Anyway, instead of taking up one or two hours, it took me all morning to get it done.

(By the way, if you're interested: I suggested to show the FAQ page as a popup to people who sign in for the first time. I noticed there are a lot of people who don't know it exists, just like me up until a week ago.
You can read the article here)

Once I submitted the post, I had to take a look at my replies on SteemIt. Since I'm running a contest, I really need to follow up on the comments.

You can still join if you want to:

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There were quite some more comments than I had expected there to be, so again, replying to everyone took way more time than I had foreseen.

Also, some people who commented mentioned a couple of very interesting resources, which - of course - I had to check out.

It was all very interesting, but it took me all afternoon...
I'm using my last 30 minutes to get this post out, so I didn't even had the time to go out looking for some interesting posts, let alone do something else that doesn't involve my laptop...


The Solution?

I realize that if I want to get things done, I need a different approach.
But I honestly don't know where to start.

Someone told me today that if you don't know something, you will never know unless you ask.
( @doctorcrypto, I never thought I would be using your words this soon)

So I decided to ask around to find out how other people deal with this.

Do you have a SteemIt time schedule to which you stick?

Do you differentiate between time for posting, time for curating, and time for other stuff?

To the people who have a lot going on on SteemIt: how do you manage to get a life outside SteemIt?

I could really use some ideas :0)


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