Introducing Steemit.Promo: A Project To Feature Other Authors On My Steemit Blog!

I have decided to start helping others to get noticed on Steemit again.

In my Minnow Author Project, I have previously already featured other Steemians on my blog - now, I want to revive the project with a different structure.

When most people first hear about Steemit, they get very excited. But if the first few posts don't get a lot of recognition, many will get demotivated quite easily.

That's why I have decided to launch Steemit Promo: I want to give others the chance to get featured on my blog!

That way, they will have a stage to present their work to a different audience on steemit, and potentially gain some new followers for their own blog.

And for anyone who hasn't got a Steemit Account yet:

Of course you can still participate! Steemit is sometimes quite intimidating for people because they don't know anything about cryptocurrency. But that's no problem, I will help you! This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to share their work on social media and get rewarded for it.



How does it work ?


The participants contact me, either through the website or by messaging me on .


I will then use the random generator from to choose 4 participants out of the pool of applicants.


Next, there will be a Facebook Poll in my Steemit Facebook group. The user who receives the most votes within the given timeframe (3 days) is the winner!


The winner's post will then be featured on my Steemit Blog.


After the rewards are paid out, I will transfer the Steem Dollar rewards of the post to the Author.

How is the revenue shared?

If the author provides the whole post in Markdown format, including pictures and editing, he receives 100% of the SBD (Steem Dollar) Rewards from the post.
In case he only sends the raw text I will edit it personally. Then, he receives 70% of the SBD Rewards while I keep 30% as a cut for editing.
Rewards will be sent after the post has been paid out, which is a total of 7 days after it was first posted.

What should the posts be about and how long should they be?

The posts could be from anyone, about anything - stories, art, photography, news, or anything else.
But of course the authors should use this opportunity to show others an insight of their own blog, and potentially earn new followers.
There are no strict rules for the length of the post. Anything between 500 and 1000 words is recommended, but posts can also feature more words or a big number of pictures.

For more answers, please check our Steemit.Promo FAQ!

I'm looking forward to this project, and giving other users a platform to get featured on my Steemit Blog!

Please leave any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!

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© Sirwinchester

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