Let's Show The World How Strong The Steemit Community Is - VOTE NOW!

Right now is the time where we need the help of the Steemit Community to achieve something amazing for STEEM!

Some of you might have heard about it already, but I wanted to write this post anyway because we need to stand strong as a community to help STEEM out!

Steem currently has the opportunity to be added to btcc.com - a major exchange platform!

This would be extremely beneficial for Steem - the price would get a huge push!


You can find the poll here on twitter!

We are up against cryptocurrency giants like Ethereum and Monero - but still, we can do it!

This is actually already the semi-final of the poll, which btcc CEO Bobby Lee holds on his twitter account.
We already finished the first round, and received enough votes to advance to the semi-finals!

We might currently only have less than 15% of the votes - but in the last poll, we were quite far behind too and managed to finish strong in the end and advance to the next stage anyway.

We need to stand strong as a team now and show the world how powerful the Steemit community is!

If you have a twitter account, please go ahead and vote in the poll, as well as share it with your friends and advise them to vote too!
And if you don't have an account yet - signup takes literally 2 minutes!

Remember - if we manage do win this poll and get added to the exchange, it would boost the STEEM value and also the popularity of Steemit!

Please share and let's make it happen - STEEM ON!


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© Sirwinchester

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