Steem Island #3: Big Debate & Birthday Celebration!

I woke up and it was a wonderful day once again in Steem Island.

I saw a huge rainbow across the sky, and it looked like it was ending in the water,  close to our harbor. I have already told you the legend of a rainbow appearing whenever @dantheman (who is a whale) bites a bait, so I took a closer look.

The rainbow ended on a platform that was floating on the water, and @dantheman had held a big conference with all Steem island inhabitants, on land and in water, discussing the newest changes. All witnesses and members of the parliament were there, and all whales were listening in the water around the platform and their speech was being translated by a new technology that @federicopistono had developed. Also, the skill levels of all fishermen had been revised and ranked differently again, everyone has now got a fishing profile, and a brand new, high-tech portable fishing equipment called "Steemy" had just been released, which created a huge hype.

They were talking about the whole city being renovated , all white houses had been given a fresh dark blue paint. 

The whales and witnesses were also having a big debate about Steem Island's economy and the profits - they were planning to re-structure the rules and regulations.  Of course @smooth was a very active part in that discussion once again, as the governor of the fish and member of the witnesses parliament.
All the other witnesses whales - @witness.svk , @roadscape , @riverhead and all the others, were also discussing them and representing the opinions of the whales and the Steemians.
They were having a very heated discussion.

I didn't engage much in the conversation, I wanted to leave that to the parliament and rather enjoy the Island!

So I left the harbor, and could still hear the debate going on in the background.

It was @budgetbucketlist 's birthday today, so we had arranged a surprise garden party for her!

On my way to the venue I passed the marketplace, where @masteryoda was updating the billboard of the daily fishing charts. I had always dreamed of being on there, and this time I really was! 

Smiling, I arrived at the location, and @budgetbucketlist had even baked some delicious muffins for us.

Photo Credit @budgetbucketlist 

Everyone was there - 

@halo and @krishtopa , who were dancing on the tables and animating us to join them,

@kaylinart who had helped prepare the food and decorate the garden,

@craig-grant , who I played some pool billiard with after eating lunch,

@federicopistono , who worked in the technology center and told us all about how fishing robots would soon replace our jobs as fisherman,

@anwenbaumeister , Journalist for Steem Island's newspaper, who was interviewing some of the guests for her new article series "Humans of Steem Island",

@sweetsssj , who had moved to Steem Island all the way from china, 

@cryptodrive , who had organized a huge banner that says "Happy Birthday",

@kevinwong , who is the main editor of Steem Island's Newspaper,

and of course the german community @fabio , @timsaid and @knozaki2015 who invited me to a nice cool beer afterwards. 

@pharesim was the barkeeper and an expert for german beer. He always makes sure that everyone follows the rules in his bar! @chris.roy was supposed to be there too, but he was currently in Abu Dhabi.

It was a very fun party and everybody was chatting and laughing.

The only person missing was @heiditravels , who only visits Steem Island once every so often because she works as a foreign correspondent.

When the party was over, I went on my way to the Harbor because I wanted to go fishing for the rest of the night. When I came closer, I already heard people shouting:
"Pirates!! They're here!"
"No, it's just one pirate.. The pirate.."
"The legendary..."
"Who arrived now?!", I asked myself and walked closer.

And then I saw what everyone was talking about - 

Arriving on a sail boat, with his head held high, @dollarvigilante was making his way to the arrival terminal. He was a pirate, a conqueror, an anarchist - someone who doesn't obey rules. He makes his own. He had been an inhabitant of Steem Island for quite some time already, but was very busy doing his work out in the ocean. Everytime he arrived back at Steem Island, everybody got excited and wanted to hear his latest stories, which is why  @kevinwong asked for an interview for his newspaper immediately.

I could still hear loud voices from the debate of whales, witnesses and parliament in the background.

 I passed the crowd and as I reached my boat, I saw that there was a hole at the side of it. So I kneeled down to inspect it further, as I heard a friendly voice behind me.
"Do you need help repairing your boat", asked @bendjmiller222

He had some tools on him so he helped me repair the hole.
"As a little thank you, I will give half of today's fishing results to you" I told him at the end, smiling.
"Oh, thank you" he answered, beaming with joy, and added "I will make sure to use it for helping other Steemians!"

I had not forgotten about the bag of steem dollars that @stellabelle had handed me after my boat had been destroyed either, and I wanted to show her my gratitude as well, so in my head I added "... and the other half of today's earnings will be given to stellabelle"

So I went fishing as usual and was lucky enough to bring home a nice amount of fish.
After dropping half of them off at @bendjmiller222 's house, I went to deliver them to @stellabelle .

I drove up to the community where she lived, rang her doorbell, and placed a bag of steem dollars and a white mask with blue flowers - a little extra gift.

On my way home I drove by the harbor once again, and finally I could hear that the debate seemed to have died down, and I could so everyone shaking hands.

So it seems like the tensions and changes had slowed down in Steem Island for the moment...

But for how long?

- To be continued - 

Click here to read part #1 of Steem Island

Click here to read part #2 of Steem Island

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