What's Better Than A Whale Upvote?

Here on Steemit, everyone seems to be chasing after whale upvotes. It seems to be the best thing you can get from this platform.

But today, let me tell you what's ever better than a whale upvote.

It's waking up and seeing that someone has written a post about your work, appreciating your content, and telling you that you have inspired them.
It's making new friends and connections through Steemit.
It's communicating with people from all over the world who share your passion!

I don't things there are many things that could beat this!

So one day, I was just browsing through Steemit, and then I saw my own face on a thumbnail next to a post. But it wasn't my own post, it was by @stellabelle - the user with the highest reputation on Steemit!

And here's the story behind that:
I have written a fictional story called "Steem Island", where I mentioned her.
So I left a comment on one of her posts, letting her know that she was mentioned in my latest story! She read through my Steemit posts and must have liked my content.
So she wrote an entire post about how I got her attention and titled me a "Rising Minnow" !

I remember exactly that moment when I found the post and read it for the first time, and thought to myself: Did she really just write a post about me? About me? Someone she hasn't even met?
I was shocked, honoured and flattered! 

And then yesterday, something similar happened - I discovered that @bendjmiller222 had written a post about me and my Steemit content!
Once again I was not expecting this at all, and it amazes me how someone would spend so much time and effort on writing a post about me and my content. I can't believe it myself, but it's the best feeling to know that you have left someone inspired after reading your post!

And even his Dad wrote a heartwarming comment underneath that post!

thank you for your kind words @cliff-miller !

With this Post, I don't want to brag about the fact that someone wrote a post about me. I simply want to say thank you, in the most appropriate way here on Steemit ;)
Thank you to @stellabelle and @bendjmiller , thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and your effort to write down your thoughts.

50% of the profits of this post will be going to @stellabelle and 50% of the profits will be going to @bendjmiller as a small sign of my gratitude. 

But I also want to highlight other things I'm grateful for that Steemit has made possible:

I have made new friends in the german steemit and crypto community ( @timsaid , @fabio ), we had some great brainstorming sessions and shared some information and will now meet up in person at the Steemit Hamburg Meetup!

Also, many people have connected with me through my Social Media or Steemit Facebook Group, and I have gotten to know so many interesting Steemers from all over the world!

I have never experienced such a positive community anywhere online before.

So THANK YOU STEEMIT, for giving us this amazing platform, for giving us the opportunity to share our work and our thoughts and be rewarded, and for connecting people from all over the world! 

And of course, a HUGE thank you to anyone who has ever upvoted or commented my posts, and who follows me. 

It has always been a passion of mine to help and inspire others. And now with Steemit, I have a whole different way of doing that and connecting to people!

So everyone, keep posting and being active, don't get discouraged if those whale upvotes are not coming in just yet. If you keep posting original content continuously, your work will be rewarded!

Much love


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