Movie Quote Contest - Steemit Parody Quote Contest - Win SBD!!!!! - #12

I am going to pick a movie, the best "Steemit parody quote" in the comment section will win 1 SBD, second best 0.5 SBD.

What is a "Steemit parody quote" you ask?

Here is an example.

Movie: Dazed and confused

Original quote:
"You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of the school. What are you bitching about?"

Steemit parody quote version:
You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of Steemit. What are you bitching about?


Ok, now lets move on.

This contest is based off the movie Fight Club

Here is my entry into the contest even though I cant win.

Rules for the contest.

1- Upvote the post.

2- Leave a comment with your steemit parody quote from the movie Fight Club.

Thats it!!!!!!!

If I cant find the original quote you are parodying you might get asked for it.

Once the 7day lock in happens I will pay out to the best (in my opinion) Parody Steemit quotes from the movie Fight Club. Other peoples comments and votes about and on entries are taken into account.

Here is a link to the movie if you have not seen it.

Cheers Steemit and hope we can have some good laughs with this game.

Dont forget to check out @cathi-xx 's and @o07 's daily contests.

Steemit to the moon!

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