An Update On My Steemit Promotion On Instagram - SteemitNow Breaks 1200 Followers

In early 2017, I created an Instagram account in order to promoted the STEEM platform.  I am passionate about marketing and have several marketing endeavors that I believe will help people learn about this awesome project. Steemitnow on Instagram is one of these endeavors.  

The account now has over 1200 followers! 

Most of the posts were created last year, but the account continues to gain followers and expose people to Steemit.

 My content strategy is as follows: 

  • Posting cool Steemit branded pictures.
  • Using pictures from (Creative Commons Zero)
  • Posting relevant pictures about popular tags on Steemit. (“check out the food tag!” with a picture of delicious looking food)
  • Reposting the best content. (articles I think others will be intrigued by)
  • All posts include a little summary on what Steemit is all about:
    • " is the world’s fastest growing decentralized social media platform. Make a post and start earning cryptocurrency today!  Steemit connects to a robust blockchain database called Steem. This blockchain database distributes rewards in cryptocurrency to the users who bring the best content (blogs, comments, videos etc.) to the Steemit site. "

How are you promoting Steemit? 

Hi there, I’m Will. First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist. I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in. Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus. All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated. I release everything under CC0.

My website:
My DTube Channel:!/c/slickwilly
My YouTube Channel:
My Instagram:
Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz & @trueliberty   

My Previous Steemit Post 

Learning About Tea In China - Highlights Of Traveling China

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