How to gain the attention of a Dolphin?

How indeed, according to @tarazkp’s recent post, there are only 1729 of them on the whole of Steemit and everyone wants the attention of a dolphin right?

You might be wondering at this point:

'Is he talking about himself or is he talking about how he attracts other dolphins?'


Both actually but lets start with the first point. How do you attract other dolphins? They may seem like big guys but they are just human beings like you are.

Six months ago in early March 2018 I started my Steemit journey and did a search on a band I love named ‘Porcupine Tree’.

There was not much in terms of results but I found this article written by a certain @steevc. In another dimension this would not have existed and I wouldn't have forged a common interest with someone who has been on Steemit for 2 years.

I remember telling @goblinknackers, a collegue who I worked with at the time, ‘look at this guy, he’s a whale!’. I knew nothing at the time besides looking at the size of @steevc’s wallet that said $41,000. STEEM was in a better place then than now.


In time I would realise that my soon to be progressive loving music friend was a dolphin, and that I was lucky to have connected with one of these medium sized fish very early.

If this event would not have happened, then I would likely have given up and you wouldn't be reading this story.

It’s true that some dolphins are in the circle-jerk category, or ‘sucking each other off’ as @goblinknackers ever so eloquently puts it.

Heed that these are his words and not mine. For someone who has around 600 powered up STEEM and not doing anything with it, he’s still intrigued despite the fear of experiencing Fellatio.


Still, @goblinknackers delegated his 600 STEEM to the account very recently for a very good price, and with the STEEM reward system giving out more recently, there's quite a few getting some bigger votes than previously.

So while some may call it some things, I think it is just plain old human nature and creating bonds. That’s why I am heading to Steemfest 3 to forge some more.

It’s been said once and many times but i'll say it again, respond to posts, interact and communicate if you want others to notice you and keep at it as dolphins usually have a lot of connections and you may need to persist with them to be heard.

While I was the joint smallest plankton in the world on March 3rd 2018 when I first fired up Steemit, I’m now a dolphin myself, and as a plankton or minnow how can you attract me to look at your blog, interact and vote up your articles?


You may be the finest writer on earth, but if I’m not interested in your content or its theme then besides a token visit, I’m unlikely to return.

If you have something in common with me, such as the things listed on my profile, then by all means persevere, visit me, comment, vote up my articles and if its a $0.00 I don’t care, just the act of doing it tells me something.

Rinse repeat and sometime over the next 2-3 years I’ll check you out and see what you're up to. OK, so not so long! but you get the idea?

Note, that I highlighted comment. That's the big thing, keep doing it and it will work for you. I will come and check you out, and the connection or bond may forge.

The connections on Steemit tend to be reciprocal, and yes it may be called ‘circle-jerking’ but we are human but that’s what humans do!


All images used in this article are in the category 'Labelled for reuse' and have been cited.

Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków



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If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.

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