Poloniex up 28% ^_^

Is this the end of the downtrend? In the middle of the night the price of Steem rose nearly 2 cents at Poloniex. I am waking up now wondering if Steemit will ever hit my target marketcap to buy in of 1 to 5 million. All it would take is one celebrity to join Steemit for new hype to carry us. Remember when the white house officially joined Twitter? It was kind of a big deal. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both have Facebook and Twitter. You have to go where the audience is nobody is exempt from that. Hopefully the devs can keep innovating new and better storage techniques as our community exponentially grows. The amount of content posted here could even eclipse Youtube one day. Steemit will require an ever greater infrastructure as seen with Bitcoin but to a lesser degree. Ethereum has survived this long through many trials and scam accusations due to one thing. Constant development. Investors go where the innovation is. With Steemit constantly updating and improving I see many of them coming here. People hate on circle jerk posts, on Steemit about steemit but to me that is the coolest part. Discussing the potential of crypto, on crypto and making crypto while doing it? Sounds like a plan. I want to see all my friends and family join this platform and get paid for their posts. Do you know anybody that has "gone viral" on social media and not really made any money for it... Well they did generate money but for the social media site the trended on... Imagine having a really good idea, through re-steems and up-votes that good idea can pay you and be cemented in the blockchain forever all while circling the globe and having the brightest minds critique it. Every is arguing over what kind of social media site Steemit will end up. I see it as sort of a Twitter on steroids. One where you have facebook like content and youtube like content mixing with journalism and becoming the next platform you see pudits quoting from on the TV.

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