Steemit Naming Contest: Rename this site!!

No, not really. This site is going to continue to be named But we do need a new name for the software that runs it.

No, not the blockchain app written in c++ (steemd), but the javascript application that is our web front-end code. Right now, we are using the term "" to refer both to the website you're probably reading this on, as well as the big ball of JS code that is responsible for drawing it on your screen.

It lives here:

It is our hope that we can remove all default references to "" from this code (though we will continue to use it for this site, of course), and make it dead-simple for anyone to deploy on their own server and on their own domain name. To that end, we need a new name, to logically separate the " javascript codebase" from "the website" (which will retain its current name).

Naming Contest

Here's your chance to be part of our community's shared history, and to win ONE THOUSAND cool steem backed cents.

I'll judge the comments in about a week and pick the best one, just like last time. :)

Preferred: pronounceable words or names 20 characters or less

Averse: initialisms and abbreviations, multi-word names, et c.

It should be clear and unambiguous without spaces or capitals or punctuation, as it will end up at<your name here>.

Good luck, and thank you!

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