New Sneaky Ninja Abuse Policy - MUST READ FOR ALL USERS!!

New Sneaky Ninja Abuse Policy


Sneaky Ninja is Watching!!

As I've pointed out several times before, I believe it is the responsibility of bot owners to keep their bots from voting on crap.

However since these bots are automated, and service hundreds of posts daily, it has been quite the task just figuring out how to accomplish that.

I do believe that I've found a solution. Only time will tell.

The truth is that unless the posts are being viewed by a human you just won't know in some cases if an account is abusing the system or not.

This is why I have recently hired a team to begin 100% manual curation of all of my bidders and their posts.

The team is @steembotcleaners (To be announced).


Once they have most of the wrinkles ironed out, they will be offering their service to other bot owners as well.

For now, I guess I'm the guinea pig lol.

This team will be reviewing each and every post that I have voted on each day.

Their purpose is to find violators of the new policy below and deal with them accordingly.

This is a monster undertaking yet must be done to keep bot abuse from spreading.

Sneaky Ninja's new Abuse Policy
Effective Immediately!!

Listed below are things that Sneaky Ninja considers abuse according to the new policy.

  1. Using multiple accounts to post duplicate content.
  2. Copy Pasta.
    • Plagiarism or copy and pasted/spun content that is from another source and not your original work.
  3. Single photo posts without supporting information.
    • All photography posts should have location, lighting and a description of why, how and where you took the photo.
    • Photography is an art. Those that take it seriously know this and will present it as such.
  4. Short content.
    • This is of course subjective. However I do expect at least 50 words that make sense and follow what the post is about in clear readable writing.
    • It is possible to make a powerful post in less than 50 words, I understand this and will review accordingly.
  5. Memes.
    • Self explanatory.
  6. Art that is not your own original work.
    • Original art must be verifiable.
  7. Videos that are not your own and are not being used as descriptive tool in your post.
    • Must be properly source cited when using as descriptive tool.
  8. Posts without proper source cited content.
    • Videos and photos for example.
  9. NSFW posts that are not your original work.
    • You must be either the model or the photographer.
    • Must be verifiable.
  10. Tweet type posts.
    • Posting things like, "chillin, hangin with the boys, just made dinner, look at my nephews new toy, ect...".
  11. Posts that have already been flagged by @steemcleaners, @cheetah, or @spaminator.
    • These posts will automatically be treated as blacklisted and you will simply not get a vote or a refund.
  12. Overuse of bots.
    • This is also subjective. However, if you are using tons of bots on all your posts and your posts are sub par according to anything listed above they will be considered abuse.
  13. Consistently bidding at 5-6 days for instant turnaround.
    • I stand firm on my decision to allow bidding on days 5 & 6. I believe there are many legitimate reasons to bid on these late days. However, it is very clear if you are taking advantage of this for your own personal gain and it will be considered abuse.
  14. Over posting.
    • Over 10 posts per day is automatically considered over posting.
    • Between 4-10 is subjective. However, this combined with anything above (for instance, overuse of bots) may get you blacklisted.

How violations of any of the above will be treated.

  1. Minor violations or violations that seem to be done accidentally or from acceptable ignorance (At my discretion.) will result in your account being put on my watch list.
    • This list will be posted each week so you know that you are on the list.
    • If you are on the watch list you will have one week shape up.
    • If you are still violating any of this policy after your 1 week shape up period, you will be immediately blacklisted.
  2. Major or obviously direct violations of this policy will result in your vote being pulled without refund and your account will be immediately blacklisted.
    • I may or may not publicly post those that have been blacklisted. You know what you are doing.
    • Blacklisted accounts will not receive refunds for attempting to use my service so I strongly urge you to read and follow this policy to the letter.
    • I also suggest you pay attention to upcoming weekly updates that will have our latest watch list and potentially blacklisted accounts.

Can I be removed from the blacklist if I shape up?

  1. Simply put, yes.
    • To be removed from the blacklist you must prove that you have actually shaped up.
      a. You must first have a proven track record of no violations for at least one week.
      b. You can then leave a message/comment for @steembotcleaners on the post titled Removal From Sneaky Ninja Blacklist asking to be reviewed for removal.
      c. If @steembotcleaners team decides that you have indeed shaped up, you can then be removed from the blacklist on a probationary term.
  2. If you have been removed once from the blacklist consider that your one and only chance to do better.
    • If any user is found violating the Abuse Policy after being removed from the blacklist once already, that user will be permanently blacklisted.
    • I am quite serious about this. I simply do not have time for games.


For any post that a user brings to my attention that @steembotcleaners does not catch, that results in a removal of that posts vote, I will give that user 25% of whatever the abusive post was bid for.

So if someone bids $4 SBD on an abusive post that you bring to my attention, and @steembotcleaners misses it, I will send you $1 SBD.

This will be based on my specific Abuse Policy and will not be counted if it happens to violate someone else's idea of abuse.

If this post has already had it's vote pulled you will not get credit.

To take advantage of this special offer please leave the URL of any posts you find as a comment on this post.


All accounts that are blacklisted by Sneaky Ninja will also be blacklisted by Lost Ninja (@lost-ninja) by default.

Thank you and bid responsibly,

Kozeni (小銭)
Sworn defender and protector of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア)

Trained by @michaeldavid,
Supreme Jōki (蒸気) Master and warrior for @thealliance

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