Sneaky Ninja Supports You Are Hope!!

Sneaky Ninja Supports You Are Hope!!


Ok, I've been to busy watching an upset kitty chase his ball of yarn lately to announce this but Sneaky Ninja is now supporting @youarehope!!

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As of a couple weeks ago a portion of all Sneaky Ninja earnings from each round is being donated to @youarehope.

What is @youarehope?

The short version...

Fuckin awesome!

Best charitable organization in the world!

The real deal...

You are Hope was founded by @sircork. It is a Foundation for Global Humanitarian Aid that is based entirely within the steem blockchain.

They use steem and sbd donations from steemians just like you to help people from around the world in beautiful ways.

The thing that makes You are Hope amazing to me is that it is real people helping real people.

This is not some faceless organization that is going to use your donations in whatever scandalous ways you will never hear about then feed some of that money to a group of hungry people for show.

It's also not an organization that accepts donations from government interests or large mega corps.

It is simple people like you and I helping people like you and I.

That's it.

Plain and simple.

These guys get trustworthy people on the ground that actually live in the areas that need the help.

When people from the platform donate/upvote them they will send the required funds to that location and the help will be offered to those exact people on site. There are not a ton of hands touching the money.

So someone in whatever area in need will use that money to help those that are needed to be helped directly, person to person. Those people are told that that assistance came from the people of steemit. From our beautiful community!

All information about who they help and how is published right here on steemit so there is complete transparency.

No red tape, no propaganda, just a genuine desire to help people.

All transactions are in steem/sbd until the absolutely have to converted to fiat currency to buy whatever kind of aid that is necessary.

Pretty awesome huh?!

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Why did I start helping them?

Well, the group I'm a part of here on steemit called the alliance has been supporting them I believe since they started.

However my reasoning was personal.

First of all, I've been houseless. (Yes, I said houseless. If you consider yourself homeless right now please adopt this perception. If you think you are homeless you can never find your center. However if you realize you are merely houseless you will always be at home.)

I lived on the streets, feeding myself out of dumpsters for years. I know the hardship that comes from not knowing where your next meal will come from. I know what it is like and how you are treated.

But that is only a part of it.

They once posted about an orphanage in Venezuela that used to house 50 kids and had the space to do so. Due to their economic issues in Venezuela this orphanage had to cut down to only 18 kids and was having issues supporting them.

WTF people?!

Where did those other 32 kids go?

Unfortunately we all know they went back to the streets to fend for themselves.

This was to much for me.

As a single dad I have a soft spot for kids.

More so than just that, helping kids in the right ways can reduce the amount of orphan children that end up on the streets as adults also.

It's a chance to teach them life values and how to really survive in the real world. For many houseless adults it is to late to learn these lessons. With children it can have a much larger impact. Not just on them but on anyone who's lives they touch afterword.

I was immediately personally invested and sent them everything that this orphanage was asking for. They also made a lot from their post and the people who generously upvoted it. All together they were able to get over 200 kg of food plus pens, pencils and many other things including hygiene products for the kids.

Since then I was hooked :)

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Have you ever seen the look that someone has when they are gifted something they needed?
Not wanted but truly needed?
Was it directed at you?

Have you ever felt the warmth that comes from a person saying simply "Thank you", when it came from the deepest part of their being?

Have you ever felt the intensity of a hug from a person that needed exactly what you could give them exactly when you did?

Have you ever felt accomplished knowing that no matter how bad the world is, or is getting, you have done your part to make it better?

Have you ever experienced any of these things from a group of people?

Have you ever seen/felt any of these when they came from the heart of a child?

You should!
It's magical!

With normal humanitarian efforts you will never experience the majority of these things.

With @youarehope you will.

With normal charity you never know where the assistance has gone. You don't know who got it and/or what they got.

With @youarehope you know every step of the way exactly where it has gone, who got it, and will see pictures and videos of these people. You will see their genuine gratitude for the assistance you have given.

It is all on the block chain. You can track the money everywhere it goes.

It works both ways also.

The people being helped aren't expected to do anything for it.
No paperwork.
No jumping hoops.
No sermon.
No work to be done.
Nothing but real assistance when and where it is really needed.

They even get to see that the money is actually coming from a group of people, real people, that just want to help.

It is such a genuine and energetically pure transaction start to finish.

You are Hope brings the humanity back to humanitarian efforts.

It is truly a beacon of hope to so many real people in this world that need real assistance.

So if you have never experienced any of the things listed above, or maybe you just want to be part of something real, find your way to help @youarehope.

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How can I help You are Hope?

  1. You can send steem/sbd to @youarehope.
  2. You can look through their recent posts to find something more specific that you would like to help with and upvote it.

Open your heart.

Open your wallet.

Give up a little voting power.

Do it however you want to and know that your assistance is really being used and is truly appreciated to it's fullest degree.

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Many thanks,
Kozeni (小銭)
Sworn defender and protector of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア)

Trained by @michaeldavid,
Supreme Jōki (蒸気) Master and warrior for @thealliance

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