Steemit Welcome Page Design Concept 3 - Final Entry

Some of you may have already seen my first two attempts at developing a landing page for new Steemit users.

In the first I attempted to express the decentralized nature of Steemit through the abstract use of tree branches.

In the second I used binary code to indicate the advanced technology behind the platform.

I found both the first designs to be a little overwhelming with visual stimuli, so I wanted to create a more minimalist version for my final effort. Below is a gif which charts the progression of the design process.

At first I had a very small extrusion on the 3D Steemit logo. In the end however, I decided I preferred it to be elongated and stretched off-screen. For me, this is symbolic of the dynamic nature of Steemit and its continual evolution during this beta period. I also thought it could be interpreted by some viewers as a sign of progress, indicating how far Steemit has come and how far it is likely to go.

Here are the final products.

Without Text

With Text

EDIT: Based on the feedback received in the comments, I redid the design with the suggested changes.

Without text.

With text.

Please let me know which of the three designs you like the best, or if there are any alterations I can make to improve upon what I have already presented. If you would like to see one of these images become the new Steemit landing page, then give this post a resteem to show your support.

Have a great night, Steemians.

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2 columns
1 column