Steemit Welcome Page Design Concept - Version 2

For the first design I attempted to express the decentralized nature of Steemit using tree branches. This time around, I wanted to try something a bit different.  My initial plan was to do some sort of design that incorporated the Steemit source code and logo into an abstract image, but I had difficulty acquiring what I needed to execute that, so I thought I would go with a binary code design instead. This wasn't ideal but, it still fits well with Steemit.

First I found a royalty free binary code image that I could use for the design.

Next I grabbed the Steemit logo and opened it up on a new layer.

The next step was to edit the hue of the binary code image, resulting in a blue tone. Then I merged the two images and altered the layer type to overlay and lowered transparency.

I decided that the logo in the middle was far too generic--and there is nothing generic about Steemit--so I moved it to an asymmetric position. Then I visited to find a font that would fit well with the binary design. To do this I chose the category bitmap and then wrote in some preview text so that that I would be able to see how it would look before downloading.

After a few pages and a couple of downloads, I installed my new fonts and went and tried them out on the design. Once I had selected one, I simply added text with a low opacity so that the binary code could be seen through the text, giving the impression that that text itself is composed of 0's and 1's.

I didn't want to overcomplicate the image so I decided that I was happy with this design as it was, but I wanted to spice it up a little. I thought it would look good if it had the feel of a flashy computer screen so I made a copy of the bitmap image and changed its layer type to overlay. I then lowered the opacity on it and moved the new layer horizontally across the original layer--frame by frame--to make it look as though different 1's and 0's were lighting up at differing times. Then I changed the opacity for the text in designated frames and I had a finished product. 

I am happy with the result, though I cannot decide if I prefer this one, or the first concept I produced. If you haven't seen that one yet you can check it out here, and please let me know which one you would prefer to see as the new landing page for Steemit. 

Have a great day, Steemians-

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