What To Expect Over The Next Week...

Currently, I have found myself working actively on more simultaneous projects than ever before. This has forced me to draw up somewhat of a schedule, that charts my intended progress over a week-by-week basis.

Now that I am fully aware of what I will be creating over the next week, I felt it would be helpful to share that information with my followers- especially those currently in waiting for the next part in an ongoing series.

I intend to do this every week going forward. A blog can get a little messy on here, especially when one resteems a fair amount, so this should provide an easier way for my followers to keep track of what is coming soon, and what has already passed.

Upcoming Posts (03-12 FEBRUARY 2017)

Donald Trump To Be Impeached.

A satirical piece, and long overdue considering my username.

Are Flat Earthers As Crazy As They Seem? An Objective Look Into The Theory

I have been considering writing this one for a while, with preparations having been made quite some time ago. Recent occurrences have motivated me to move ahead with the article. The goal is to look at the theory from an emotionless, objective standpoint, and to try make sense of the animosity between believers and disbelievers of the theory.

How The Devil Introduced Me To God - Part IV

Many of you seemed to be rather enthralled with this ongoing series, and so I apologise for the delay in regards to part four. However, I have already started working on it and it can be expected over the next week.

Block Chained - Part I

This is a new short story that I have yet to begin physically writing, but have been giving a lot of thought to over the past week. My previous short story, Child of Apathy, was received well by the community, but I have left the story unresolved for now.

I released the first two parts before the pizzagate scandal came to light, and as I touched on elite paedophilia within the story, and was planning to touch on it in greater detail towards its resolution, I felt that it would be in bad taste to profit from such a subject until the pizzagate issue has been concluded.

To appease any followers of Child of Apathy whilst they wait for the rest of the story, I have decided to write a second short story which is set in the same dystopian, one-world-government type universe. The story will serve a double purpose as it will also highlight some of the dangers of blockchain technology and how it could be abused in order to oppress the people.

Blood: Oaths and Offerings - Chapter Five

I have already written what seems to be about half of this chapter, so you can expect to see the next installment of the novel over the next week. This chapter will be from the Lady Yessinya's perspective.

Fifty-Word Fiction Frenzy

This crowdsourced short-story project has been very successful so far, with a lot of the community taking part. I intend to continue posting a new round on a daily basis. If you have yet to cast your vote for the previous round, you can do so here.

Ego: Friend or Foe?

I have yet to start on this particular piecel, but if there is time, I also intend to get this out before the end of next week. The article will investigate the positive and negative effects that the ego has on each and every one of us, from a philosophical standpoint.

It may seem an optimistic amount of material to post in such a short period of time, but as I have already started working on a few of these, I feel confident that I should be able to keep to the deadline I have set for myself.

I will post another update next week so that you will know what to expect from this blog in the following days.

Have A Great Night Steemians

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