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Laws of the winners. Principles of successful people. Part 1.

Principles that will help you become a winner

Hello friends! I continue to talk about books and concepts that have helped achieve success for many people. Now it will be about the famous author, his name - Bodo Schaefer. This is a business coach, consultant and a strong personality.

Once he was able to cope with many problems in his life and to achieve true success. Today, he shares the secrets and nuances of how to reach the goal and get the desired results. This information reflects it in his books, seminars and other large-scale events. Importantly, Bodo Schaefer does not tell the pure theory. He tells his own experience. The principles of the book based on his experience. Moreover, it also states that all great achievements possible only with difficulty. First and foremost, this work - to change the personality, thinking and character.

Today's book is called "Laws of the winners", is a kind of a set of principles and attitudes that are present in successful people. By following these recommendations, you can feel the effectiveness of one or another position. A total of 30. And the first 10 laws, we consider right now.

10 laws of the winners from the Bodo Schaefer’s book:

1. Make a decision. The idea is that before you start any changes in your life, you need to identify your position accurately. Make a decision to set a goal and decide what you are going through. Solution - this is not just a desire, it is a fact that you are ready to start a new way!

2. Constantly learn and grow as a person. Many people stop their development after high school or college. They believe that have already received all the necessary knowledge and remain at that level, which give them basic education. However, we have already talked about the fact that traditional knowledge is not going to make you a happy man. Their goal - so you can just work on the system. Information about happiness, success, love and real life is available only to those who have sought and seek to improve their results.

3. Conscious approach to every single day. Time - the most valuable asset in your life. You have to understand that every day it is less and less! Appreciate your life, do not miss the opportunity and do not waste time on empty things.

4. Focus on income-generating activities. Money - it is a critical tool in our lives. With the money can not buy happiness, but you can build it. Therefore, aiming at the improvement of its financial condition, try to earn more, to have more opportunities.

5. Become the person. Personality - is individuality. You're the same as you are. You - the only one of its kind. You - unique. And it is a reason for pride. You have an opinion and you are not a part of the crowd. It is important.

6. Just do it. Do we need comments here? Probably not! We decided to change his life? We decided to reach some goal? Don’t waste your time - take the first step right now!

7. Foster a right attitude to stress. Stress - it's not bad. Stress does not allow us to relax and improve their weaknesses. Don’t be afraid. So new that scares you today, tomorrow you will find funny!

8. Learn to overcome the difficulties. Don’t run away, do not be discouraged and do not give up! If the little germ can penetrate the layer of asphalt, and then you ways to change your life! The difficulty - it's just life lessons that enhance your experience!

9. Don’t reinvent the wheel. You know what is the best way to get the desired result? Repeat the action that has made the one who has already happened! If you already have the ability to reach your goal - don’t invent anything new! First, try to repeat the existing path!

10. Create momentum of movement. The most difficult - is to start! Just take the first step, the first leap towards the goal. Get at least a little results. This will be proof that you really can! And then go inertia, and you, as the locomotive can not be stopped!

Try to introduce at least one of these principles in your life! Changes and improvements are guaranteed! This has worked for many people, it's helped me. This will help you!

I wish you to be winners and creators of your life! The day after tomorrow I'll tell you next time 10 laws from the book.

Thank you for the study of this material! Please vote for this article - so you will help me to reach the goal!

Appreciate the time, enjoy life and be happy!

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