STEEMIT Developers its time to take things to THE NEXT LEVEL for the site.

I have been on steemit for a little over 9 months now and its been a great experience and one hell of a ride.    Here are a few ideas I have as a content creator that I believe will greatly improve the site and encourage more people to sign up and get involved. 

1. Easier search options for looking up certain accounts.    It would be great to be able to easily see when your favorite content creators make a new post.    If you dont happen to be on at the time of there posting its easy to miss important things.    It could be fun to explore different quick find search options, possibly an option to star or favorite certain users so there posts become more visual for you.  

2.  Easier photo, video and link add features for creating posts.    I think being able to upload photos and videos directly to steemit would be a huge thing.   Also amping up the fonts, size and color options for content creators.    This can go deep, with new steemit Emoji's and possibly layout options.    

3.  Allowing users to create a more attractive home page.   I think it would be nice to see an incorperation of sites like myspace, facebook and youtube, where you can have a cover art, profile photo, and photo video albums displayed, plus your top content posts and newest content posts.   

4.  More options for Musicians and Bands for sharing music.   If artists like myself could upload there music directly to steemit, and create a catalog or album of sorts on the site and sell with the option to have other users listen and upvote the tracks and also purchase and download directly on the site for steem.... now wow.... thats world changing right there for us artists... One stop easy shop and artists can actually earn more for there talents.  

5.  No more 7 day limit on post rewards.    I think a weekly payout is a good idea, but I think it should continue after the 7 days.   I find many posts i absolutely love that I can no longer vote and add to there reward or resteem them.   This is a big flaw to me.   If a person creates some epic content that continues over time to get seen and enjoyed it should also be able to continue its reward earnings.    

6.  Private messaging.  The angels are singing with this one,  we desperately need a way to communicate with other users outside just comments or having to through email or discord.  

These are some of my ideas and thoughts for how we can bring this platform up to the next level.    I believe very strongly if all these things were in place now, Steemit would be fast tracked on its way to the largest online social media platform.   

Please let me know what you guys think in the comments below.  What ways would you improve steemit right now and what do you think of my current ideas?   

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