Enter the Tokenized World: A Newbie's Guide to Understanding the Future!

Many of you guys have been asking me about my opinion on the future.

This is natural as I have written many guides on how newbies here can better prepare for the evolution of the cryptocurrency state of things and the evolution of Steemit as well.

You've heard a lot of my advices, such as powering up, taking a slice of your rewards to reinvest in other profitable tokens and more...

...what you didn't hear about was what the future will be like according to me.

Well, fortunately I surrounded myself with visionaries, people who I think are extremelly competent and have a clear vision of what the future will be like (for them at least).

I'm talking about people like @taskmaster4450, @defor, @velimir, @rok-sivante, @underground and more.

Granted, each has their own vision of the future, but they overlap in many places. I have my own vision of the future, and it overlaps with the ones these guys have in many cases as well.

So, in this post, I'll combine the opinions of all of my influencer friends and my own and take a shot at predicting the future.

So here it goes...

Every Community Will Have Its Token:

So in the future, every community will have its token. You'll get writers with one token, cinema guys with another token, gamers with another token and so on.

This is easy to perceive, as it is going to happen soon in the Steem blockchain with the advent of Smart Media Tokens.

DTube is going to have its own token, and @aggroed himself is rumored to have some SMTs in his head as well. (Something I'm definitely looking forward to hearing about)

These tokens, according to info I obtained from @taskmaster4450, are going to be paired up with STEEM... much like it happens in Forex where USD / EUR is a currency pair. DTube SMT / Steem will be a pair.

These communities will trade their tokens with each other to obtain services.

If I want a video done, I can pay a DTube guy in DTube SMTs... I'll just have to trade them from my hard earned Gamer Tokens and I'll have that done.

This creates an interesting dynamic and economies that won't need the middle man.

Competition Will Work As Well: But Collaboration is Key!

Don't get me wrong, competition is a good thing sometimes and it is still going to be vital.

On the other hand, communities will stop competing among each other in such a harsh way.

Collaborative Economies will rise and become increasingly important, and individualism is going to decrease with the advent of this new tokenized world.

Competition will be what values the conversion rates for different tokens from different communities, but the communities' individuals are going to help each other in a cooperative way, much like we see it in Steemit.

The Steem blockchain is a micro-universe that, in some aspects, highlights what we're going to have in the future, while on the other hand highlights some of the behaviors we must leave behind or the utopia can be spoiled.

Cutting Down with Middle Men: Goodbye Sharks

The Middle Men add no value, and serve as a way to make the transaction... but you lose value when you add them to the equation.

Now, one of the great benefits that this new tokenized world will bring is the downfall of the middle men.

We're talking about Bankers, Sharks and everything in between.

We don't need them anymore, but be careful - don't fall into extremes and decay towards total anarchism as this isn't the future.

In fact, if you think it is, I suggest a great post by @rok-sivante that shows you a mature way to see how it takes a great mind to understand the threat of the extremes. Here it is!

Don't forget that once upon a time, middle men were a necessary evil.

The future won't need them though... And artificial ways to create wealth by inflation and other dirty tricks are going to decrease until in the future they become non-existent.

...or so we hope!

People Aren't Going to Buy Crypto: The Earning World

Let me say something to illustrate the fact that I agree with @taskmaster4450 when he says the majority of people won't buy crypto:

  • My Investment portfolio in Crypto has thousands of dollars.

Having said that, I never bought crypto with FIAT in my life.

I earned it through different methods.

With Sweat Coin, IRON, Presearch, Lunyr and more, you'll get a lot of options on how to earn crypto, and the majority of people won't ever buy tokens with FIAT, they are going to earn tokens by contributing to communities, performing actions or simply by belonging to a certain tribe. (As is the case on Manna

So, if you want to get invested in crypto while at the same time keeping your FIAT, the future is going to be a great place for you.

I'm going to drop a few resources below for you to check out, they are examples of sites that allow you to earn crypto in a variety of ways:


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