How I'm Profiting with My Post's Signature: A Powerful Tool!

If you read my posts you'll notice that they always have a signature area below the text with a couple of links.

Today I'm going to approach these links, tell you exactly how I'm profiting with them and pinpoint you the way to utilize that area of your profile effectively.

If you want to add a bit of gravy on top of the rewards you get with Steemit, signature space can be the answer for you.

If this is an idea that you find attractive, read below and feel free to follow the lead of many users here who make sure to monetize their signatures.

Start Mining From Your PC or Mobile: 1st Signature Line

So, my first signature line is, at the time of writing this post, "Start Mining From Your PC or Mobile".

This is a link to MinerGate, a tool that enables users to use ANY device to mine for a lot of different cryptocurrencies without the need to resort to coding and with an easy account setup. You register, choose the coin to mine and just set your CPU and GPU cores to mine, customizing how many you want to dedicate to the task.

Minergate doesn't reward you as well as if you were mining on your own, but if you can't be bothered to learn how to setup your own mining rig, then it can be an easier choice since it has an attractive GUI (Graphic User Interface).

The link I use is a referral link that gives me 30% of the Profit generated by affiliates, so having affiliates mining means that I get Crypto on Autopilot.

Claim Free Litecoin: 2nd Line Signature Link

My second link is a link labeled "Claim Free Litecoin". This is a link for the MoonLite Faucet.

A Faucet is a site that gives you little ammounts of a crypto in certain ammounts of time. This faucet will let you claim free Litecoin Litoshis every 5 minutes. The gains are small, but add up, and I cashed out multiple times already.

I use this link because I get a percentage of every crypto currency claim my referrals make.

Again, it's crypto on autopilot, and though it is a small amount, it adds up the more referrals I have.

Currently, this represents the biggest return from all my signature links.

Get More Steem Votes: 3rd Line Signature Link

My third and final signature link is labelled "Get More Steem Votes" and it represents a referral link for SteemFollower.

SteemFollower is a bit like a voting exchange where people vote on articles they like and in return have their articles exposed on the site so others can vote as well.

For each referral I have, my articles' exposure in the site grows, as I get a slice of the value my referrals get as well.

As you can see, having a signature can be a valuable thing for your growth in the crypto world... and these aren't even the links that I want to have, just a temporary solution.

The Future of My Signature Space: My Future Plan

So, I already have some plans on stuff I'd like to support in my signature space.

There is an interesting project called Manna that seems to be great. It is a token intended to provide Universal Basic Income.

Currently, I'm waiting for it to really launch in order to gauge if it is suitable to promote or not.

Another project I really want to promote is BitShares, but you need to have a lifetime membership for it and I still don't have the required funds in my account.

Finally, I'd like to get to know 2 more worthy projects, that I'm sure will pop out this year of 2018, since it's a very promising year for crypto in general.

So, summing up, you can make a little bit of side money using your signature space.
If you're a newbie and you don't know what to promote yet, get involved in crypto projects and find out about projects who offer rewards for referrals.

Don't promote anything though, promote stuff that works. I saw a lot of good programs (in terms of rewarding people who got referrals) but they didn't produce value, so I didn't recommend it.

On the other hand, every link I'm promoting is something I use, and having referrals under me only sweetens the pot.
Consider adding your own signatures link at the end of your posts. It's ad space owned by you, and you don't have to pay a company to use it or be subject to that company's regulations.

It's the power of decentralization in action.


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