Shit-Show: Nouriel Roubini States We’re Cyber-Terrorists!

Did the headline get your attention? Did you think it was clickbait?

Well, it isn’t!

Nouriel Roubini, a pretty respected economist and the one people know as Dr. Doom thanks to his prediction of 2008’s crisis (my dad predicted it too and got no reward) has solid opinions on all of us!

He sprinkles in some very interesting ideas about the cryptocurrency world, FIAT being obsolete, Bitcoin and us being Cyber-Terrorists.

On the other hand, he does refer to us sometimes as Crypto-Crazies… and I guess that one holds true, at least I know I’m crazy over crypto.

Heck I prefer crypto to FIAT if I dont have to pay rent immediately.

Are you intrigued to what such a respected economist has to say? Well, come on, it’s fun…

…when were economists not fun?

From Lambo to Kid Car: Dr. Doom Laughs At Us...

But guess who'll have the last laugh...

This respected economist is acting up on his Twitter as if he was that really annoying co-worker you have that is always saying you are an idiot for thinking Crypto is a real thing and not just some virtual ponzi.

He has been jumping in joy with the state of the markets, and cracking up jokes.

We'll see who has the last laugh.

But wait... there's more!

He even does some Technical Analysis like our favorite Spam whale:

So, not only is he having the time of his life, but he is also very hateful in his tweets.

There are no good folks who like Crypto, according to him the few few that exist are new generation "bagholders".

Now, I could go on and on about more information on what he actually thinks, but how about I show you a couple more fun tweets?

Finally, I'll end this section by showing you just how angry this man is...

He even goes as far as spending his days retweeting any figure of perceived authority who voices his own distaste, the latest example being Agustin Carstens.

And, let us not forget, that for him and his economist friends, this is just a Ponzi scheme 4.0.

Now, I could easilly make a joke about that man's appearance, but that would be an ad-hominem argument, and therefore I decline to use it since that is a weapon best wielded by "Dr. Doom" himself.

Are We a BagHolder? Should We Drop Crypto and Join Buttcoin?

Absolutely not.

I was one of the few that was stating Bitcoin would crash to 5k when it was at 20K... does that make me Dr.Doomlittle?

On the other hand, I dare say that my vision is much more complete than that of Nouriel Roubini who spent his whole life surrounded by SHARKS.

Heck, he is a SHARK himself - and you can add that term to your glossary of what us Crypto Terrorists use to describe FIAT Barons.

On the other hand, consider all of his views and add a Crypto like Steem!

The STEEM Blockchain is Different: And So Are We!

Now, the Steem blockchain is different.

Consider all of his views of how crypto is a Ponzi scheme and just a massive scam used to wash money, and then look at a complex working blockchain like STEEM where thousands of users produce and reward quality content - and the rare exception of a Sper...I mean Spam-Whale.

Having this in mind, you can see that his views, while appliable to much of the Vaporware in ICOs and projects like Bitconnect, aren't a fit here!

He simply doesn't know better...

...and let me know why he doesn't know better.

As I stated, he is surrounded by SHARKS and is a SHARK himself, therefore he is looking through a HUGE goggle of scarcity and trying to see the GET RICH opportunities.

Do you see him as someone who is searching for blockchain and crypto projects as a way to contribute to society or to contribute to his own wallet?

Well, when your interests are more on the bankster side... you only see crypto and projects ran by those with a scarcity mindset - tricksters, banksters in disguise trying to pump and dump an ICO and all of that.

We are different. I don't have many followers, but I do know that those who follow me know of the potential this blockchain and future blockchains, cryptos and projects will have.

And that is something Dr. Doom will never understand.

All Images Retrieved from his public and official Twitter.

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