STEEM Blog Post Ideas: The ULTIMATE Monthly Blueprint

We’ve all been there… a new day is here and you want to post on Steem, but you simply don’t know what to post about!

Well, I don’t want that to happen to you!

This is why I’m sharing with you guys a WHOLE MONTH of content ideas for EVERY DAY of March!

If you want this blueprint for the next month, grab it! It’s yours!

Day 1 – Make a Contest Post:

Content posts are awesome because of two things. First of all, they attract new people to your blog and make everyone participate, and secondly you can get free votes or resteems from the “Entry Rules”. Cough up some SBDs and get creating.

Day 2 – Review Something:

It can be a movie, a book, a video game. There are a lot of people who make reviews in an exciting way and these are always good for people interested in your product’s niche. For example @vincentnijman pretty much only reviews movies these days.

Day 3 – Write a Tutorial:

Write an in-depth guide on something. How to use @utopian-io, how to upload to @dtube, how to create memes and earn with them on @dmania, a Steemit etiquette guide, something along these lines. I write newbie guides often, and they work great.

Day 4 – Interview People:

There are a lot of ways to get fresh attention on your blog, and one of those is to interview influencers. By interviewing an already successful blogger, you’ll get exposure to his audience as he will probably resteem it. Even if he doesn’t, you will be able to get some importance by association.

Day 5 – Create a Steem Data Infographic:

Most of us in Steemit are interested about the Steem Blockchain. We love to check data and that’s why Steemians like @arcange, @abh12345 and @paulag are so successful. On the other hand, everyone loves infographics. How about merging the two?

Day 6 – Tell Your Audience a Dark Secret:

Every single one of us had bad moments and we keep dark secrets. People love to feel “in the loop” and as such knowing about a secret from you will make them feel part of your blog. On the other hand, sharing a bad moment of yours can also humanize you if you play your cards right. Just be careful to how you put it.

Day 7 – Time to Get Motivated:

Writing a motivational blog post can be a great thing. People get tired of working, and even bloggers get tired of blogging. If you feel like you can write a piece that will make users motivated to give more of themselves, do it! It will energize your audience and once the “high” fades they’ll be following you for more.

Day 8 – Make a List Post:

Everyone loves list…

“The Empire loves their damn lists”, as once a great mind said. But it’s true, people love lists and the fact you feel compelled to read through this post is not a coincidence.

Bitesized lists are easier for our human brains to digest, and as such form an attractive piece of content.

Day 9 – Make a Round-Up Post:

STEEM has a lot of content but people have so little time.

It takes a lot of work to search around for articles about a single topic, so you can take your audience’s workload away by making the round-up yourself. @moneyinfant wrote a round-up on ALL of the writing contests currently going on and though the post wasn’t rewarded fairly because he’s a new guy, I see that it had tons of value.

If it was a big steemian writing it, it would probably hit Trending.

Day 10 – Record Your Thoughts:

Sometimes you feel a bit more on the flexible side and you also had a day in which you did a lot of thinking. You could write a post with your thoughts. Writing down everything that came to your mind is great entertainment. “I wonder if she’s wearing pink panties under that”, “this hair on my coffee is disgusting, but did it come from a head?” and so on…

Day 11 – Make Your Goals Be Heard:

What’s the best way to ensure you are kept accountable for your goals? Well, sharing them with your audience.

If you say you’re going to do something, then you’ll get closer to doing it than if you just think about it. Plus, whenever I share my goals on a Steemit blog post, people get excited about them and react positively so I can vouch for this one.

Day 12 – Analyze Current Events From Your Niche’s Point of View:

Watch the news or read the paper. Check what’s going on with the world.

When you’re done, consider the news you’ve read or watched and think on how they can influence your blog’s niche or your preferred topics – share your findings.

Day 13 – Making a Case Study:

What’s better voting wise, a long comment all in the same line or the same comment divided into paragraphs? We mostly all know it’s the second but there are tons of topics that aren’t as easy to answer.

Think about one of them and make a case study on it. Share your findings.

Day 14 – Make a Tribute Post:

If you admire a Steem Blockchain blogger then write a tribute on him. Craft a post telling everyone why you love following that blog or author and telling him that you appreciate his work. Better yet, make a HUGE tribute post on ALL of the bloggers you love.

Make sure to tag them so they can drop a vote and resteem it.

Day 15 – Make a Top Comments Post:

If your blog isn’t fresh, then you’ve accumulated a lot of comments through the days. Craft a post about the best or top comments you ever received and share them with your audience.

Tag those involved for added effects.

Day 16 – Share Your Success:

If you’re a successful blogger, share your blog’s data to inspire other people. Show everyone your growth throughout the days and months and let everyone know that they CAN do it with work.

Don’t rub it on everyone’s faces though, do it in an inspirational way.

Day 17 – Become a Myth Buster!

There are a lot of Myths in EVERY niche. It’s high time somebody in Steemit puts on its Myth Busting hat and start writing about how those Myths aren’t facts.

You can be that person!

Day 18 – Ask the Audience:

If you follow me you’ve seen my last post on “If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?”.

This is na example of an “Ask the Audience” post. Make one yourself, just don’t steal my question :P

Day 19 – Sharing Regrets:

We all know we don’t want to regret a thing, and the saying that “I only regret things I didn’t do”.

The truth is most of us have some regrets. How about you show everyone you’re not different by sharing yours? It can even be something you regret doing in Steemit.

Day 20 – Lie and Hide the Key:

Post an obvious lie, for example “Dan to be imprisioned after assault on Ned”. Of course you can’t create these lies normally, but here’s the drill – you tell everyone it’s a lie! This will have people who only read the title and first line to comment and others can spot those people and generate discussion that can either give everyone a laugh or become sour. Dangerous idea, but it can be a blast, it’s legal as you claim it’s satire, and it helps detect people who don’t care about your content but care about your votes.

Day 21 – Share Your Blogging Secrets:

What’s the secret? Some people can post about their blogging success secrets while minnows and fresh newbies can post about the secrets to keep themselves motivated. If you’re a content producer and not a low effort poster, you got to have something to keep you on track. Share it!

Day 22 – Offer Free Help:

If you have any talent, you can offer free things or help. For example, @overkillcoin is one huge artist and makes the best artwork from under the sea. He is always posting free avatars and offering to help people.

I believe the Steem Blockchain is all about cooperation and playing nice, @overkillcoin does so as well… do you?

Day 23 – Time to Make a Pie… Chart!

There’s something very attractive about charts. Bar and pie charts are very interesting, and if you have any cool data piece you want to share, consider doing it via a graph.

For instances, you can analyze your rewards and have a pie chart that shows POST REWARDS versus COMMENTING REWARDS.

Day 24 – Bring Guest Blogging to the Blockchain:

If you know and admire someone’s content, then bring guest blogging to the blockchain. Arrange an article swap with someone. You publish their piece in your blog, and you publish a piece in his blog.

This can be a cool networking experience that will switch things up.

Day 25 – Have a LinkBait Day

Google link baiting and learn its subtle (NOT) art. Even if people know it is clickbait, they can’t help but click it anyway.

Make a linkbait post and try it out, maybe it’ll do well, maybe it won’t, who knows? Try it!

Day 26 – Hypothetical Scenario

Think about an hypothetical scenario and discuss its implications. For example, talk about what would happen if STEEM was to reach $100. Or on the other hand what would happen if it would reach $0.20 again.

What if…

Day 27 – Write as You Would Say It:

“Screw rules, Imma talk like I speak now” kind of post. Forget about formatting and correct grammar and punctuation and just go berserk typing exactly as if you would just say it. Alternatively, get a speech-to-text tool and just speak your article to life.

Day 28 – Ask For Your Audience’s Help:

No, I’m not telling you to beg for votes. However, if you care for your audience, your audience cares about you as well. Having this in mind, ask them how can you improve your blog, and what they think may need improvement.

Then suck the answers up and improve!

Day 29 – Make a Curation Post

@Enchantedspirit and @catweasel have @thesteemengine, a project that curates great content, however they do not hold the patent and there are certainly other good groups out there that do this. You can put on a curating mantle and make your own edition for a day.

Choose a topic and curate great posts!

Day 30 – Tell Everyone How You Discovered Steemit

In my case, I was googling for “Faucets” trying to discover new ways to earn free crypto. With Steem I hit the motherload and discovered not a faucet but a WATERFALL of free crypto. Share your story, how did you find out about

Final Day (March has 31 Days):

Day 31 – Thank You Post

Write a thank you post where you thank everyone who influenced you, but even more importantly everyone who follows and votes for you.

Thank your supporters, share the love you have for them, and let them know you care.

So, as you can see, there’s a WHOLE MONTH of free content ideas right here you can use and adapt for March.

No excuse on not having anything to write about now.

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