STEEMING your way to Internet Riches:

STEEMING your way to Internet Riches:

So, you want to get rich using Steemit?

I hear you, some are here because they want to build a new world order, some are here to guarantee this platform grows and provides everyone with basic income, and some want to take a slice of their crypto riches pie.

I wrote this post for you, dear Steemian, you who are chasing the dream of Internet Riches and feel that this platform can provide it to you.

First things first, forget about your "brilliant" ideas of stealing content from blogs, ripping news, stealing images from google search and more.

On the other hand, there are a few things you can do to ensure you grow on the platform, and pave your way to Internet Riches.


Increase Your Follower Count:

Your follower count is important. People usually spend their votes and comments on their own feed, so you need to make sure your content is there for them to see.

But, how do you increase your follower count?

Well, there are two main phases.

  • The Newbie Phase: When you're new, you wont have followers to vote and resteem your content, so you need to comment. For new guys, Commenting can provide the bulk of the rewards, and also the bulk of followers as well - so Comment a lot!
  • The Veteran Phase: When you're a veteran, your best choice is to pump out quality content in order to get it voted up and resteemed by your followers, this will give you added visibility and with luck attract more followers.

Something else you need to do may seem counter-productive if you're formatted on growing other social media platforms, but believe me it works here on Steemit.


Decrease Your Following Count:

I'm an Internet Marketer and I've grown my fair share of channels, twitter accounts, facebook pages and more.

A rule of thumb is you want to follow a lot of people for them to follow you back. You'll then remove your follows gradually to make it seem organic and that's it.

Well, that's not how that works here.

In Steemit, you want to keep your following count to the people you actually love (or want) to interact with.

If you follow too many people, your feed will be a total mess, you won't be able to sort out who's who and your plan to regularly visit the same people in order to befriend them will backfire as you simply get lost amidst all of that confusion.


Post Quality, not Quantity:

Believe me, it may seem that publishing in quantity is useful at first... but it really isn't.

The newbie Steemian publishes a lot, partially because he is excited and partially because that's the way he thinks he has the most chances to grow.

This doesn't work.

On my first 4 days I would post one of my greatest passions... MEMES!

Well, it was only when I started writing long form content that my following started to grow and that my account rewards started going up.

The truth is, memes may be great, but if people follow you and you get their feed with like 4-5 memes per day... you have a high chance of getting an unfollow.

Now that I post only 1 or 2 times a day, my followers look forward to my blog posts as they know they have a high standard of quality and read quite well (a little banter never hurts anyone).

So, rethink your posting strategy and try to publish less but with more and more value. It doesn't mean your content is bad if you post often, but it's more a matter of not flooding your follower's feed.


Know the Right People:

No, I'm not saying for you to research who the whales are to befriend them (although having them as friends is a good thing). What I mean is know people who related to your content, and who publish content you enjoy reading as well.

This way you'll be on your way to join pertinent communities, and you begin the process of networking.

Networking, as with any activity, is a core part of this endeavor. If you want to bank hard with Steemit, then networking CAN'T be overlooked.

So if, for example, you like my content... consider following me!


Research, Learn, Discover:

This is a vital step. When you want the market to give you money, you have to provide value to the market in exchange.

The best way to provide value to the market is by giving it the things it needs.

But how do you figure out what the market needs?

You need to research, learn and discover.

Steemit can be quite a complex subject, and it certainly isn't easy to use especially for those who aren't Tech Oriented.

On the other hand, there are a lot of sites like SteemReports, Steem.Supply and more that help you out - YOU just need to discover THEM. 

It may take some time to find what you need to succeed and to study it properly, but it really pays off.


Stay Away From Trouble:

This is a point in which I'll keep it simple: Stay away from flag wars and don't flag people who with one vote could sink your account.

I know, it's hard if that dolphin or even whale is publishing crappy content, but if you flag it you're unlikely to have real power curating it, while he may turn to you in revenge and put you out of the market for good.

This sucks and can be perceived as a new way of censorship, but it is true, so bear this in mind.


Don't Stop Commenting:

When you're a new guy, you comment a lot in order to get traction, and it isn't uncommon for dust accounts to comment hundreds of times per day, earning them rewards in the order of the hundreds on a weekly basis.

Having said that, most people bank more with posts than they do with comments, and so they slowly stop commenting on other people's posts.

If you want to get those Internet Riches, you can't slack off and rest at the shade of a palm tree - you need to continue with the grind and really work at it to grow.

I'm also saying this because the reason I'm here and constantly commenting on other people's content is I want the platform to grow. I love this concept and I want it to succeed.

The platform needs votes and comments to grow, otherwise it is only a blog where you can post - but if nobody comments or votes then what's the point of blogging? If no one leaves their own blog to read the other person's blog?

You want others to read your content, so read theirs as well.


Steem It Daily:

We can all take a day off right? Well, most of us take a day off every now and then, but you CAN'T!

If you're in this for the money, then you better treat it like your job and responsibility. This isn't a money making scheme - you can't get welfare, you just take what you put in.

So, be disciplined and keep on writing good content all day every day. I'm still a new guy, I have no illusions of becoming a multi-millionaire here, but I know some people who do - and for those people, for you, I have to break it off to you... you can't achieve that if you're lazy.

Hence, work at it! Work at it daily.


Invest Into Steem Power:

Finally, make sure you invest into Steem Power. 

"Don't work for money, make money work for you".

This quote holds true here in Steemit as well. SP or Steem Power gives you a lot of advantages, and one of those is that it increases your voting power.

You can use this to your advantage in two ways.

  • You can vote your own content - and get the vote money + the added visibility of the upvote;
  • You can upvote those who vote you so they grow up and give you better votes in the future.

If your SP ever reaches the number that you consider to be your "Internet Riches" goal, you can always power down and retire... but I think you are shooting yourself in the foot - after all, you're greedy! :D


So, I hope you liked my little guide on How to Steem to Internet Riches.

It is true that some of us aren't looking to become filthy rich on here, but we are all looking to grow our audiences, and these tips can be applied here to - so I really think this guide applies to everyone.

If you like the guide, please vote on it and resteem it to friends.


All Images Copyrights Free From Pixabay

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