STEEMIT Advanced Commenting Guide: How to Get More Out of Your Commenting Rounds

So I've been getting a lot of feedback on my guides about people implementing my "Comment More" tip and getting a huge success out of it, but I've been asked multiple times on how to really maximize this strategy.

Having said that, I'm now going to share with you an Advanced Commenting Technique I use every day that will skyrocket your growth and allow you to make the most out of your comment rounds.

If you think this is something you'll make use of, then read the article bellow.

Go to the "New" Page and Comment the Right Posts:

This is the pillar and base of my advanced strategy.

Going to the "New" page will enable you to be among the first to comment, and as such your comment will have added visibility.

Being among the first ones also increases the chance of an upvote and a reply from the author, so that's a good thing as well.

Finally, make sure you only open the "new" posts from users with Reputation above 30-35 in order to ensure you're going to get some attention and eyes on your comment since most newbie users don't have a lot of views.

If you're curating and want to improve the platform, you'll want to encourage new users and find out gems, but if you're on a hurry and need to make your comment rounds with the biggest results in the least amount of time, this procedure is a core you shouldn't skip.

I find it that it makes my commenting time super-effective!

Make Your Comment Appear Larger:

Another thing you can do to increase the results of your commenting rounds is by formatting your comment in a way to make it appear bigger.

I'll give you an example:

I agree that XNC prices will go up in the next week or so, don't know about YIC though.

This comment looks like it deserves less of a vote than:

Hey man,
I agree that XNC prices will go up in the next week or so;
I don't know about YIC though.

As you can see, the comment below looks like it adds more and deserves a better score than the score above, but they say roughly the same thing.

The difference is that I used "Hey man" and "Cheers" to get 2 exta lines on my comment.

I also pressed enter to divide the main sentence into two and get extra space of the second line filled.

Think smart and make sure you always format your comments in a way as to make them appear better and larger to your audience's eyes.

I can vouch this works.

Avoid All Bots and Low Rep Users:

Finally, let's finish with the easiest tip to follow.

When you're on your commenting rounds, make sure to always analyze the content you're reading to figure out if this is a low investment account from someone who has multiple of them or if the content was published by a bot (there are tons of posts with the lines "Content Generated by a Bot" below the main post).

These accounts are not worth the time, so you should just close it and go on to the next article.

On the other hand, if the user has a low reputation score, you should leave the premises as well, since chances are the content is not worth your time, was plagiarized or the user isn't here to enrich the community.

Of course if you're curating then you should investigate each case out, but if you're on your commenting rounds just to ensure you grow faster you have to capitalize on your time or else you'll get nothing done.

Do it in a Consistent Way:

Finally, as anything that involves work, Steemit Commenting requires dilligence and consistency.

You need to be disciplined enough to do it in a consistent way, that way people will get used to see you around commenting on everyone's posts and they'll click you to find out who you are.

Whenever I'm doing my own comment rounds and I see a guy commenting on several different posts, I tend to click his name to find out about this user as I see that he is invested into the community and goes out of his way to meet people and participate in discussions, and we all know that is exactly what this community needs.

To finish this article, I would like to know if any of you wants me to approach any topic on Steemit, and if you have any doubt or need to me write a guide on a particular thing you would like to see covered.

As for today's guide, I hope you liked it and that you took value out of it.


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