STEEMIT Following Tips: How to Increase your Follower Retention Rates!

As a Marketing professional, I know that retaining a customer is way more valuable than getting a new one.

Getting a fresh customer is harder, and loyal customers are the ones who spend more. With STEEMIT, similar things happen if you consider the follower your customer - after all, he is the entity that consumes your Product / Content.

Throughout this post, I'll go over some tips on how you can increase your followers' retention rates, so you can keep them following you and avoid a decline in your hard earned follower numbers.

Engage with your Followers: Take the Time to Comment on a Few Posts!

First things first, your followers are people - not numbers!

A lot of people forget this and fail to support those who keep on engaging with them.

I am following some people that I engage with, comment, vote and support because I like their content. But some of them never bother to pop up in my own blog to say they care.

Whenever I feel like trimming my following numbers, guess who goes first?

Well, the same works in reverse.
If you see some of your followers activelly participating in your posts, then take some time to head over to their blogs in order to say "hi" and drop them a vote once or twice.

Show them that the relationship goes both ways and that you're not just focused on yourself.

A little gratitude goes a long way, after all this all economy rolls on gratitude and appreciation.

Don't Be Trigger Happy: Avoiding the Resteem Button!

Another thing you have to consider in order to make sure your followers stick is that they follow you for YOUR content, not someone else's.

I get it that resteeming is useful if you saw a post your followers simply MUST read, but in reality there are some people who really abuse this feature.

The result?

Their followers' feed gets spammed with posts from people they don't even follow, and trust me when I say they don't like this.

I have unfollowed people for making too many resteems, it was desorganizing my feed and really sinking the posts from those who I actively follow, and that can't be since your feed is the only way you can make sense of this site's torrent of content in a meaningful way.

As such, be careful with your resteem numbers... keep it clean.

Don't Use Steemit as Facebook:

Another thing to consider is that Steemit isn't Facebook... at least not yet, nor I see it becoming in the close future.

There are some people on here that use Steemit as their facebook account, spamming status updates, selfies, weather updates, quotes and all those things.

Curiously enough, those accounts usually have low growth rates.

That may be because followers don't like scrolling their feed and find out it is mostly monopolized by one single person.

Avoid Switching Topics All the Time: Consistent Flavor!

Finally, remember that if someone followed you it was because they read one of your articles and they want to read more along those lines.
So if you post about cooking, the followers from that post will want to see more cooking posts.
If you next publish a gaming post, the cooking audience will not be engaged and you'll get gaming followers.
After this gaming post you now post a spiritual article and you'll get spiritual followers but your gaming followers won't be engaged - and your cooking followers understand it was a mistake following you and unfollow.
Find out who your followers are, as that is important in the long run to keep consistency up.

So, these were my tips on how to ensure your followers' list can grow instead of diminish, and having less people unfollowing results in greater growth rates, so everyone will be pleased.

If you liked this article, give me a follow yourself.

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