STEEMIT Newbie Guide: The Tools of Steem Blockchain Growth

Hello there,

Today I'm going to share a guide with you on tools you MUST use if you're serious about Steemit and working on the Steem Blockchain.

As you well know, my growth was pretty fast, but I wasn't just using Steemit, I was using other tools people don't usually tell you about when advising you and yet are a MUST USE in order to propel your growth.

If that is something you feel you would like to know, and if you're curious on what tools I used on my two months journey to 60 Rep (achieved it today, so I'm hyped) then here's the drill...

Discord: Because Networking is Vital

You already know from my previous guides and posts that I consider networking to be one of the vital things you must master in order to quickly grow on Steemit.

You also know commenting is vital, so you're probably doing that already - but here's how it goes:

When you're commenting around the blockchain, you'll often see banners or signatures referring to communities.

These communities nearly always have a Discord channel.

Inside that Discord channel, the members talk to each other, forge bonds, share articles and get to know the leaders - who are usually guys with heavy votes.

Nowadays, my community Crypto Empire has almost my full attention - but when I started I joined all of the communities I could find.

I would join them and I would get to know people, starting by the low ranking ones and working my way up to the big honchos.

Eventually, I'd befriend the leaders (and many of them are my friends to this day) and they'd see my posts had value.

If you don't have Discord, then you're seriously missing out on real-time interaction with people who you can help and in turn they'll help you.

Download Discord Here.

SteemSupply: Keep Yourself Motivated

Do you know how I could post twice per day and comment 100 times per day in a way that would actually make me feel pumped?

Well, I would alternate "commenting rounds" with rounds checking the revenue from my comments go up in SteemSupply.

If you don't know this tool, then check it out:

The tool was made by @dragosroua and it's something I use every day.

It keeps my motivation up and it makes me want to produce more and more value by commenting and posting once or twice every day.

If you spend a day without posting like I did this week, you'll see that on the upcoming rewards you get a day with no payout, and that seriously shows you how you're shooting yourself on the foot by not being productive.

SteemBotTracker: Know your Bots

Another tool you simply must use is the Steem Bot Tracker by @yabapmatt.

With it you can get to know the timers, bid ranges, voting power and names of pretty much every bot working on the Steem Blockchain.

If you don't want to play at a handicap, you must use a bot to give your posts a bit of visibility as soon as you publish them.

I remember that in my first month I used @upme so I guess that's a bot I like, but now I'm liking others such as

To check this bot tracker, click here.

A Mention's Tool: GINAbot or Steemistry

Steemistry or GINAbot work wonders towards getting you alerted to anyone mentioning your name in Steemit.

You want to always upvote or comment on posts that mention you as to reward the poster for giving you visibility.

This is why when you mention my tag I usually pop on your post and thank you for it... a mention brings benefit to me as it gives me visibility.

However, don't force it, people can spot that.

Another advice would be to do it the other way around and write posts on people you admire, they may like the gesture and reward you for it - dont do it expecting rewards though, and don't force it.

So, these are the tools I recommend newbies to use, and the ones I was using myself through my first month and a bit of the second.

They're starting to change now, but that is a post for another time.


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