The Dark Side of Psychological Triggers:

So, you have probably read my post on Psychological Triggers and how you can use them to improve your Steemit blog, Steem Blockchain presence and accelerate your growth.

I've talked about how the ones I approached were the positive ones and how there is a very powerful Dark Side on this topic... people wanted to know about it, and so I'm telling you some of what I know.

I'll go over each trigger and tell you how you can use it to benefit your Steem blockchain presence.

I was unsure of whether to publish this or not, since it is the Dark Side after all, and it's pretty manipulative.


The real danger of using these triggers is knowing where to set the line.

Not everyone should use these... only a person who is:

  • Emotionally Balanced;
  • Highly Disciplined;
  • With Good Base Values.

Cult Fighters, and those running sects are masters of these triggers, but they don't have good base values and are certainly not emotionally balanced.

On the other hand, if you're disciplined and a good person, these triggers can be used to further your goals, brand or in this case blog. Just be careful not to overdo it or fall into the Dark Side yourself... Steemit doesn't like Con Artists.

Lesson Number One: The 1st Dark Triad

So, as on the previous lessons, I'm going to share two triads.

The first Dark Side triggers to consider are these:

  • Vanity;
  • Laziness;
  • Inner Thief;

Now, I'm going to explain to you what these mean and how you can use them. You'll also learn how to detect when some people are tapping onto these triggers.

Note that, like last time, there are people who do it without being aware of them.

Vanity: The Hidden Power of Flattery

Flattery simply works... people love to be flattered and have their ego stroked.

In Marketing, we use a lot of Flattery in sales copy.

A big part of our job is to make people follow a certain "funnel" to arrive at an end that is convinient to us, being a sale, an email submission or whatever.

More often than not, you'll see a lot of flattery being done right before the funnel ends, so people can feel good and take that extra leap.

We are constantly taught that if we make someone feel superior to others for no good reason, they'll end up doing stupid things.

Well, vanity has its place here on Steemit as well. There are a lot of people who are constantly stroking the ego of Steemit Community Leaders and getting a lot out of the deal.

In another way, consider this:

  • Why is the best way to get an upvote from someone mentioning them in the article?

The answer is here...

Laziness: People Don't Want to Think

Why do people like everything to be automated? Why do people want passive residual income? Why do people avoid thinking on their own heads and decide to look elsewhere for answers?

Well, why do most people fail at Steemit?

The answer is... they are lazy!

In marketing, you only have to tell people you have a secret no one else knows about, a secret that allows them to solve stuff by simply pressing a button or something.

Granted, this is a bit of an exaggeration. But there's a reason guides on even the most basic of stuff work so well on Steemit... people want the information on a silver platter.

I could take advantage of this by making a guide and claiming something like:

Top 7 Things You Can Do to Increase Your Followers on Auto-Pilot!

Chances are you'd click it instantly! All thought...

The truth is the word "auto-pilot" is a click magnet, because it instantly taps this trigger.

Inner Thief: Almost Anyone Steals in the Internet

In real-life, people abhor stealing.

But when it comes to the internet, the Inner Thief is a trigger because things change.

It is impersonal, they won't get caught and so on... next thing you know you're downloading all kinds of stuff, copying images and using them in articles or voting on your 6 day old post with bots just to net some extra bucks.

This happens on a daily basis.

In Marketing, if you have a secret that will make people feel they can get things for free and nobody will ever know about it... it will be an instant hit.

What's the magic word here? Well, "loophole" is great.

If I was going to post a blog entry on Steemit named:

Top 7 Loopholes to Stealthily increase your Rewards

  • You'd click it!

I'm tapping on the psycho trigger by using Loophole and Stealthily... you won't get caught... nobody will be the wiser! :D

The Second Dark Triad: Continuing the Lesson

Ok, so once again I am not going to separate the lesson in order to earn more rewards... I'm going to lay it all here in this post.

I'm investing a lot of time on this, because I think this is valuable information. In fact, I urge you to read both articles twice or to read it once but stop and think about it.

Now, on to the second Dark Triad.

Guilt: Make People Feel Guilty, Capitalize on That

Marketing is huge on convencience these days, because people are lazy.

Here's the drill: People know they are lazy.

As Marketers, you should hide some observations on your sales copy or material that lets the customers know they are lazy and shame them for it.

This will make them feel guilty.

Let's say you've become a Guru on Steemit. You are getting a huge audience being built around you, and some of the people are becoming so close to you they are feeling like you have nothing more to teach them.

Well, remind them every once in a while that compared to you... they know nothing! And throw in guilt:

If they are getting too comfortable and think everything is easy and they don't need to learn more from you, that you know some guys who fail just because they think everything is easy and they have nothing left to learn.

You're not calling them out, you're apparently calling someone else out... but they'll feel guilty and get back on the right track of following your every word again.

Do you see how these triggers can be powerful and yet give you a bad image if you share them? That's why I was reticent of talking about them.

But I feel they add a lot of value, and so I felt my audience would love to read them.

Continuing with guilt, sometimes when you do this they will panic, thinking their "position" is in risk... this is when you can demand something from them or offer them a solution (that fits your needs) in order to get more out of them.

Tribe Member: People Want to Belong

This one can be a bit harder to understand, but I'll give it my best shot at trying to explain it to you.

If you ever saw one of those shitty salespages of "Make Money Online" Gurus, their salespage or salesvideo will always go like this:

Gurus or other experts teach this and that... but we...

Usually, they know you have a concern about them, and they address that concern by telling you they're in YOUR group... or rather yet, that they are together with you in fighting those guys.

People just love to belong to the Enlightened Minority.

Your job with this trigger is to let them know you two are allies against the bad guys in the majority.

There are a lot of people who use this trigger in Steemit. They'll claim:

You and me... we don't have the scarcity mindset the majority of people have.

And other observations that try to convey that feeling.

You can even invent some cool jargon only your tribe will use, so they'll all feel trendy for belonging to your tribe.

Not only that, if you really want to take some benefit from someone in your tribe, all you need to know is to mix in the trigger "Vanity" by flattering him or singling them out IN FRONT of the group.

Do this the right way and he'll fork up upvotes like no tomorrow...

(Again, don't be this guy, but try to notice when you're being played - you now know this, so consider it when you feel like you are being manipulated).

Greed: One of the Most Powerful Ones

Finally, our favorite Dark Side trigger of them all, the last entry of the second Dark Triad - GREED!

In marketing, we go on and on about how greed is a bad thing, and you aren't going to be a mature person if you're greedy... and that once you are mature, you'll attract all kinds of wealth, and you're going to teach them how to become mature in this special course of yours.

The perfect crime... they'll be so rolled up in it they'll even be tempted to join an anti-greed club out of greed.

In Steemit, you have communities being built around sharing, abundance and charity... and you can spot members working on the community who you clearly see are doing it out of greed.

Not only that, but the community leaders know this, heck if you now start paying attention you'll see that they even promote it... this is the greedy trigger in action.

Want someone to follow your advice? Show them your Steemit rewards screen and how you're banking ubber-duper hard. Or just find Photoshop and change the Bittrex numbers a bit to show them you're obviously a HUGE crypto guru.

But I digress.

In Conclusion:

Well, you now know the two Dark Triads I've took the time to talk about, along with the two Light Triads as well.

There are many more Triads, both Light and Dark, and by doing some in-depth research on Psychological triggers and whatnot you'll find out more about them.

I hope you still respect me, and value my courage at publishing this Dark Material - after all, I think I'm running some risks of appearing a manipulative prick.

There's no way I can convince you I'm not a trickster myself, it is up to you to decide that.

I can only tell you that I wouldn't have shared this info if I thought it would hinder my dark goals... which I don't have.

But it's my word... and I did write about manipulation.

Is it true?


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