Top 3 Selfish Reasons to Delegate: Help Someone, Help Yourself!

If you have been accompanying my posts you now know that I usually focus on providing value to new users, onbarding people, writting guides and so on.

On the other hand, you've probably noticed that in my last posts I went on to argue that STEEMIT works on a "giving" basis and is an example of a "Gifting Economy".

There's a problem though...

Most people here still operate on a mindset of scarcity and are selfish. They don't see the reason to Delegate their hard earned SP to little fishes, when in reality that may be one of the best decisions to make, even for their interest.

While this wasn't the case for the Steemian that gave me my delegation (@underground, be sure to give him a follow), there are many who simply don't bother delegating and I even heard "Why should you delegate if you have collect no interest on your loan?" - can you think of anything more SHARKY-like to say?

Having this in mind, I thought about writing a post about the Top 3 SELFISH Reasons big SP users should delegate to little fish.

Bigger Fish Take Notice: Improving the Community

Successful people have limited amounts of votes, and they have a lot of people on their network already. Usually, these people are powerful in Steemit either because they got in early, they understand how the gifting economy works or both.
These "whales" hate selfish people, and that's why those guys who only vote themselves and their comments get on their "no-vote" list.

On the other hand, take a look at good people who delegate and help smaller Steemians. People like @fulltimegeek , @wwf , @taskmaster4450 and @underground. You can see that those had a lot of goodwill coming their way.

Posts were written about them, they got good votes for the initiative and they are now perceived as good guys by mostly everyone - and reputation is a powerful tool around here.
So as you can see, you can delegate even if out of interest - it is a shame it has to be this way, but if it works for you... you're helping the community all the same.

Harnessing Loyalties: Keep Them Close!

So, if the potential attention grabbing you'll do by posing as a good person (shame on you) isn't enough of a motivation, then consider that the newbies to which you delegate to will be the most loyal allies you'll have around here.

You can check all of us newbies who were lucky enough to be chosen by some veteran who delegated to us and you'll find all of us still hang around our "mentors".
And I can guarantee you that the loyalty will probably remain after the delegation is gone.

As such, think about the potential there is in spotting a "climber", delegate to him and have a future whale in your pocket as an ally because you decided to loan the noob some SP.

Expand Your Influence: Get Your Name Out There.

Finally, the last tip I'm going to give those among you who still have thousands of SP in their wallets and fail to delegate because they "can't collect interest" is this:

  • By getting your name out there as one of the pillars of the community, you'll be getting your name out there in general.

As you know by now, @underground gave me a delegation so I mentioned him in this article... but do you know who DIDN'T give me a delegation? @fulltimegeek , @wwf and @taskmaster4450 and I STILL mentioned them.

It was pertinent.

Many people, me included, are committed in improving Steemit and the STEEM Blockchain ecosystem in its entirety. As such, we want the community not only to expand in numbers but grow in power.

These people who want to grow the platform take attention to these things - and they tend to be the most active ones.
By showing you're commited to helping out, you'll get your name out there in more than one way.

In conclusion to this article, I would only like to thank everyone who doesn't have to read these words in order to delegate.

I also want to thank those who are still too small to delegate but help this community every way they can, being it through promoting it, onboarding new users, contributing to communities and everything else.

Finally, if you didn't the reason to delegate before now, I hope these words have changed that and you now consider it as a solid move. You'll be helping out the community and you may even help yourself.

I'll resume my usual Steemit Newbie Guides on my next post.


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