New platform launching for blockchain based social media platform aimed at the global sport community

The global sports industry is about to undergo an unimaginable evolution: Crypto Tokens, backed by a blockchain is about to put the rewards where they belong. In the wallets of the sports participants – from amateur through aspirational to the pros. New ICO coming soon

QuadroIT is building a next generation, incentivised social media network focusing on the sporting community around the world. Similar to @steemit, we are aiming to introduce a new crypto currency world by incentivising men and women on the streets and in the stands with our new platform.

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During the next few months we will be working hand in glove with the Steemit community in preparation for what we believe will be one of the most exciting ICO’s / Token Sales that the Crypto World have seen.

Why is our ICO exciting?

  • Unlike many new platforms using Initial Coin Offerings or Token Sales to raise funds in order to develop the platform. We already have a system that has been tested by the market for two years (after being developed over the preceeding three years). We registered nearly 7000 users during this time, but once we understood what the Blochain and cryptocurrency can offer, we decided it is time to make a change. We walked our talk. The users loved the journey. We will be using the funds raised during the ICO to develop and integrate into a blockchain. We will have no pre-mine for our initial token.

  • Our token sale will be fair and everybody is invited to participate in the initial investment.

  • We are speaking to Olympic and other internationally decorated and recognized sport stars to act as ambassadors for each sporting disciplines. The ambassadors so far includes a well-known Olympic medalist.

  • Just like Steemit we will incentivise each participant and stakeholder in the form of loyalty points which are tradable on crypto currency exchanges.

  • We will be focussing on a wide variety of sporting disciplines. Anybody that is a participant in a specific sporting discipline will be able to benefit from using the system, from player, coaching staff, administration staff, whether you are a club or a school and most importantly, a loyal supporter on the stands. YOU will be able to benefit from our crypto tokens.

What next?

We will be publishing new information on a daily basis over the next few months. This will include:

  • More information on how the platform can be utilised by every stakeholder in the sporting industry
  • How you will be able to participate and help the platform be successful.
  • Who we are?
  • Who is the next big sport star to participate?
  • When will we launch the platform?
  • When will we launch the ICO?
  • When will the platform available to use?

and much, much more ….

At this point we do not want to say too much. Please take time to follow @sportspodium and tell your friends. All funds raised from our Steemit articles using the @sportspodium account will be used to prepare for the ICO and ensure it is a major success for the soon to be Crypto Sporting Community.

Steemit will be our primary communication medium. We are speaking to people in different countries and in various sporting disciplines. By using Steemit as our mouthpiece, we strive to invite many more people to join the @Steemit crowd.

Please follow us on @SportsPodium to understand more.
Happy Steeming!

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