ATTENTION! Why is Steemit sending data to Google Analytics & Facebook all the time?

I've checked the outgoing internet connections that are being established while I'm surfing on and it seems that on every page I visit (account too) we are sending data to the big G and the big F! What's going up here?

I don't want to be analysed by external, big companies here and thought this would not be the case on Steemit... I've installed the FF Addon "NoScript" and managed to block these connections, but I think most people don't know how to do this, right?
This should reach everyone on Steemit, so please take further steps for accomplishing that! Thanks!


After further research, I've noticed that even the font for displaying text on Steemit is loaded by using the Google APIs. As developer I ask myself: What are we doing here? Why don't we use a nice, free TTF/OTF/WOFF/EOT font without having to use G for that?

I think G & FB scripts should not be active here by default. That is one reason, why I am on Steemit. I thought, we would be free here. There are better ways and we should go them for not losing many nice people on this great platform.

What will happen, if one of the big is not reachable for some reason? We should learn from the past and know that this can take us down by external influence ;)

Why don't we use Piwik instead of Google Analytics? It's nearly the same, but with a big difference: The data is being saved on the Steemit server and not in a Google account.

I've no problem with the collecting of data by Steemit. I've a problem with big, external companies knowing how I moved my mouse while I'm surfing on Steemit.

Since I'm blocking the scripts, Steemit has become much faster for me and I now get all the notifications for the last day, which did not show up automatically in the last time!


This is not about attacking Steemit. Steemit is a really great platform. This is about not losing the trust of many people and about making Steemit better by finding a solution, which is acceptable for all the Steemit users.

Keep in mind
Trust is like paper. Once it's crumpled, it can't be perfect again ;)

Thanks for your support!

English is not my native language, but I hope my words are nevertheless understandable for you.
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