7 Reasons to Quit Steemit Right Now

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In the end it makes no sense.

Why should you bother about Steemit, if you have much more cooler and valuable things to bother about.

So here are the 7 reasons to quick Steemit and never get back.

You should quit Steemit:

1. Because Nobody Upvoted Your Posts.

You were trying hard, everyday publishing more than 10 posts of valuable content that consists mainly of images of:

  • super cars
  • hot chicks
    .. and some cool videos as well :)

2. Because you realize that Steemit isn't your 'Earn By Push of a Button' System

Once you saw @sweetsssj's you were sure that you can copy her and quit your job by the end of next month. The disappointment came when you suddenly realized that there's only one @sweetsssj over there and you'll have to use your brain or just reveal who you are. You realized that the price to pay for one of these two things is too high.

3. You are too busy replying to comments of your Facebook and Instagram followers.

I can't blame you. You are famous. It costs time replying comments on social networks. Same as here.. but :)

4. You aren't interested in contributing to a community in any way.

“Giving” isn't among your favorite actions. “Taking” means a whole lot for you. You are addicted to people's attention in various ways, but you aren't interested in gaining their attention by trying to publish a valuable content written with the only purpose to solve an issue your readers are struggling with.

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5. Because STEEM price has recently dropped.

You don't wan't someone to steal your arduously earned doll hairs. Yep, you are an investor and when something is RED, it means you should escape the room quickly and never turn back again.

6. Because you believe you joined too late to become a Steemit millionaire.

July 2017 is somehow too late. You had to join last month. Because look at @heart-to-heart - she's already a millionaire

You also can't stop comparing with other Steemians and you are literally pissed off cos you can't get that secret success formula for massive amount of support and upvotes.

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7. Because you like being a hater, however , you can't find no one to hate here... because we are all cool :)

Or at least we try hard.

I think this was my first attempt to write a sarcastic type of post. @kaylinart, I promise to try harder next time.

(cover image was made on Canva.com)

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