An Established Writer's 'Secrets' on Becoming a Dolphin in No Time

A title like this presumes that we'll discuss only the writer's road on becoming a dolphin. A quick overview on the accounts with higher reputation though isn't definitely supporting the thesis that only well established writers are predetermined to reach the dolphin level.

Let's quickly overview some of the established writer's secrets that has helped them to grow their accounts fast.

An Established Writer's 'Secrets' on Becoming a Dolphin in No Time

Write and publish great content.

Of course this one is obvious and the main question is how to write great content?
Well my Steemian friends, the answer in my opinion the answer is related with building few healthy routines.

Healthy routine number One:

  • Observe the behaviour of the established writers - find few of them on Steemit and analyze their last publications: see how often they post content, do they re-steem often, how often they interact with other Steemians. This will help you get a clear image on how these guys are spreading their efforts.

A typical writer would publish just one new post every day or even one post per 2 days. Need an example? Check @trafalgar and @stellabelle.

Healthy routine number Two:
Learn the structure of the essay and improve your writing by following @dragonslayer109 and reading his posts.
Try following his advice in your next post. They try to repeat following the advice for your next posts. The ultimate goal here is to turn the new way of writing in a new habit.

Have a life outside Steemit

When I joined the community (it wasn't so long ago) I became obsessed with everything I was learning here. My wife was worrying about me since I because very distracted about almost everything that was happening in the outside world. If you are an emotional type of personality you couldn't do much about your addictive attitude towards Steemit in the first few days.

It's like a some type of decease and sooner or later you should find a way to cure yourself from the addiction. Being sane and still grinding on Steemit pays off much better.


I present the following key moments as most important:

Key moment number One
Write every day
Set yourself a goal to write everyday and follow it. If I had the chance to share only one advice, I would pick this one.

Key moment number Two
Publish content on a regular basis
Publishing an post once per day or once per two days is a good rule of the thumb to follow. Of course you can deviate from the rule from time to time, but pre-defining your publishing schedule is another important routine that the established writers are following.

Key moment number Three
Write your new ideas in a post plan

Imagine you are taking a shower and have various thoughts in the meantime. Suddenly you get inspired about a new Steemit post. Would you start working on it immediately after you jump out of your shower? Please don't do it. What an established writer would do instead is write it down in the so called post plan, if needed write few sentences to describe a simple structure and get back on the post you are currently working on.

Key moment number Four
Set a certain time of the day to reply to the comments under your posts

It's harmful to just see notifications and impulsively reply to them as soon as possible. Think about these notifications as the Facebook notifications - try to ignore then, or just turn them off. If you are an early bird and you start writing about 7 a.m. in the morning, probably the best time to answer comments is after your first break, between 10 and 11 p.m.


Some established authors are using just a simple markdown fomatting while others may use an advanced set of markdown rules to make their great content even more appealing to their readers.

Do not underestimate that and try and find time to format each of your new posts. You are helping your readers to consume the content easier and as a result more of them will reward you with their upvotes.

Check the following guide to markdown written by John O'Nolan last year.
Bookmark it and refer back to it as often as you need it:


There was not a single successful writer that didn't failed one, two, few or more times in the process of trying to establish his own healthy routines. Remember this 'secret' in the moments you got desperate. If you need, just get back here and write a comment that you are currently struggling. I'd be happy to reply and encourage you with few relevant words.


In terms of technically becoming a dolphin you could always invest in SteemPower. This will increase your authority and your publications will start pop-up more often in the Hot and Trending categories. I warn you: you'll still have to be ready to offer great content.

I reserve the right to update this post and add new 'secrets' and important rules to follow. Bookmark it and refer to it every time you need it.

You've now reached the end of the post, but this is hopefully not the end of my story on Steemit, so follow me @steemfluencer and feel free to share your most favorite reaction after the race in the comments.

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